The Limited Times

Interview ︱ The number of voters in the science and innovation sector drops by 99%. Qiu Dagen says the value of votes has increased: Privacy must be a trade-off in the digital age

12/11/2021, 11:44:38 PM

Smart cities and science and innovation are the blueprints of Hong Kong. Legislative Council elections are coming soon. The most relevant seat is undoubtedly from the functional constituency "Technology Innovation Sector", formerly known as the "Information Technology Sector" of the Pan-Citizen Voting Warehouse. The number of registered voters before the restructuring reached 1

Smart cities and science and technology are all blueprints for Hong Kong. Legislative Council elections are coming soon. The most relevant seat is undoubtedly from the functional constituency "Technology Innovation Sector". It was formerly known as the "Information Technology Sector" of the Panminist Voucher. Before the reform, there were 13,000 registered voters. Except for 375 group votes, the rest are all individual votes in the industry.

After the restructuring, the voter base has been greatly reduced to 73 votes, which is less than 1% in the past, making it the only seat in the new parliament with less than 100 votes.

The seats became a dispute between the late wealthy businessman Qiu Degen, angel investor Qiu Dagen, and university associate researcher Wu Chili.

In an interview with "Hong Kong 01", Qiu Dagen was asked about the representativeness of the seats. He said frankly that "the base of voters is so diverse that everyone will of course think it is the most ideal", but society must reflect on what is the best system, "It's a step forward (election reform) Whether it’s good or bad, you have to wait and see.” He expressly dissatisfied that past industry councillors focused on political disputes, which prevented policy discussions from falling to the ground. When it comes to the sun, it emphasizes that "the industry is most concerned about food and development prospects."

The voter base in technology and innovation has shrunk by 99% compared with the previous one. Qiu Dagen said frankly that "the voter base is so diverse, everyone will certainly think it is the most ideal", but society must reflect on what is the best system.

(Photo by Lin Jiacheng)

Interview with Wu Chili, another candidate from the technology and innovation industry:

Legislative Council election 2021.

Interview | Wu Chili, Candidate for Science and Technology Innovation: Researchers Enter the Political Circle

The powers and responsibilities of parliamentarians are different. General public positions can promote policy changes

New elections create new faces. Although the competition is for functional constituencies, Qiu Dagen said that he will never avoid talking about politics.

From behind-the-scenes support to front-of-the-scenes elections, Qiu explained that he saw a change in the political environment, "Before (if) I went in, and it was a rapport. I am not eloquent, so I can share the same species with others!" And Xin The system made him feel that there is room for policy promotion, and it is possible to practice "development before politics".

Qiu Dagen joined the industry organization in 2003. He said that he has always believed that technology can become a pillar industry in Hong Kong. We continue to fight for it; the government does not think it is necessary to cooperate with the mainland. We bring the industry to the mainland by ourselves." He said that although he is also a director of Cyberport and other public positions, the parliament "always are two different things, and we must promote the government to change regulations. (In other public positions) You won’t be able to speak out, because it is always a government agency.” On the contrary, the parliament is leading the changes in laws and policies.

Qiu Dagen, who has just been re-appointed as a member of the Hospital Authority, cited examples of promoting smart hospitals and delivering medicines to their homes. They are no longer within the competence of members of the Hospital Authority. "If you want to amend the regulations, you will have to go to the Legislative Council." The proposed bill must not involve public expenditure or government operations. If the bill involves public money, the Chief Executive's approval is also required. However, Qiu pointed out that "if multiple legislators propose a bill together, there is no reason why the government will not listen to it, and I don't think the government is talking about it."

Advocating to amend the regulations in private hospitals to receive medical care, health, and privacy is not overriding

In addition to political reality, there are also public sentiments. Qiu Dagen took the initiative to mention the privacy concerns caused by the wisdom lampposts at the beginning of the anti-amendment law.

Compared with the lack of mutual trust between the government and the people, Qiu is more inclined to think that the government’s explanations are insufficient. If you don’t know what to do, you must explain it clearly to everyone.” The government clarified many times at the time that smart lampposts with lenses are only used to collect city data, but they do not help resolve the suspected surveillance; in the end; In order to clarify doubts, the function of recording and recording on the lamp post must be suspended.

Checking the polls conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion, the public’s distrust rate of the government reached 60%, and the net confidence was negative 30%.

Today, two years later, net confidence has rebounded to negative 2.4%, a positive number is expected, but there is still a great distance from the 2008 high of 60%.

When asked whether the public’s loss of confidence in the government will become an obstacle to the promotion of innovation and technology projects, Qiu repeatedly emphasized that social development cannot go against the trend.

One of the must-do lists for Qiu Dagen to join the parliament is to promote amendments to include private medical institutions in the "Healthcare", so that the medical records of public and private institutions can be integrated into a single electronic platform.

When asked whether he would worry about causing privacy concerns and trigger another wave of public opinion backlash, Qiu pointed out that if he was elected, he was only one in 90. "It is the responsibility to bring out the responsibility. As for the doubts, they will be handed over to the parliament. If the people are not Support, it is difficult for the parliament to reach a consensus."

Mobile phones are already a privacy issue, it is difficult to reverse the digital trend

At present, there are more than 4 million registered users of Medihealth. They are voluntary. After the patient's consent is obtained, medical institutions can access the medical records of the parties concerned. However, the coverage rate of private institutions is seriously lagging behind.

Qiu Dagen did not explain in detail the content of the proposed amendments, but emphasized that there must be a trade-off between technology and privacy. If privacy is too important, it will eventually be concluded that any product "will have three different features, and none of the functions." What do you do?" He said that the exchange of medical records is for the sake of patients, "Because it is to save your life, when you become a private clinic, you will faint on the street and be taken to a public hospital one day. You talk to me for privacy and sacrifice. Life, I don’t think it’s worth it!”

He gave an example. Ten years ago, many people worried about security, but now almost everyone has it.

With technological advancement, the data of smart lampposts no longer needs to be uploaded to the cloud and can be processed on the column body; as for Yijiantong, there have been few leaks for many years.

Qiu Dagen said that even if the topic is sensitive, if you want to promote innovation and technology, you must solve the privacy myth: "If you want to talk to people, unless you don’t use a mobile phone, it’s unpleasant to talk about it. Using a mobile phone is already the biggest privacy problem. The machine, there are so many informants."

Qiu Dagen pointed out that in the face of privacy concerns, what we need to think about when promoting digitalization is "If there are more benefits, is it worth doing?" Frankly speaking, the world is changing and Hong Kong is unlikely to go against the trend.

Qiu Dagen emphasized that there must be a trade-off between technology and privacy. If privacy is valued too much, any product will end up with "there are three differences, and none of the functions." He asked, "What is R&D?" (Photo by Lin Jiacheng)

The development of innovation and technology must compete for the upper reaches of the northern New Territories.

Qiu Dagen, who is also a director of Cyberport, pointed out that in recent years, the criticism of Cyberport becoming a real estate project has gradually decreased. Cyberport has gradually made achievements. It took 20 years. "Innovation and technology takes a long time to invest. Hong Kong’s problems It’s so short-sighted in the days to come, and it’s going to be speculation.” In the future, the northern metropolis of the New Territories, the leader in innovation and technology, will also need to be laid out for a long time. He suggested that key industries should be introduced from other places and the team should be strengthened. , Everything is going to grow up."

Qiu pointed out that if Hong Kong develops innovation and technology, it will be difficult to compete with other cities. "It needs people! The introduction of professionals must be relaxed. The school’s engineering education must start at home, otherwise 20 years later (Northern Metropolis). ), it’s too late.” He pointed out that Hong Kong’s unicorns are mostly application-oriented, such as LALAMOVE and GOGOVAN. However, innovation and technology need to develop upstream technologies, such as "Shang Tang" specializing in artificial intelligence. Striving for front-end research and development, the industry chain is located in Shenzhen, I believe that the derivable output value will be quite amazing.

Wish to contact the citizens every week in the district

The number of directly elected seats in the new parliament has shrunk, and the number of members in the service area has been halved. Will it take the initiative to fill the seats after being successfully elected?

Qiu Dagen said that he has no intention to carry out regional work for the time being, but he believes that parliamentarians from different sectors should regularly settle down. "I heard that Singapore parliamentarians are good for both sectors. Every week there is a sunset zone. I think it is a good practice." He said under the epidemic. Everyone realizes that technology is pervasive in life. Whether it is online shopping, transportation or catering, it is most appropriate to have a councilor from the science and innovation community. "

Qiu Dagen is the youngest son of the founder of the Far Eastern Department and former ATV boss Qiu Degen. Regarding the identity of the "rich second generation", he described his identity as a "richer generation". He also said that the disparity between the rich and the poor is the main cause of social conflicts. The housing problem has improved. "Hong Kong is actually not bad. Compared with many big cities, the cost of living is not high." As for whether other livelihood policies will be as conservative as the business sector, Qiu pointed to the council and will explain with actions.

Qiu Dagen pointed out that his father started his career in the entertainment industry, and real estate was later involved. "It's natural. Hong Kong doesn't do real estate, but my father's spirit is to do more than profitable things. He brings a lot of happiness to everyone, don't you? It is money that can be measured, and it is the object of my study."

How to win the people's trust in the court's misconduct?

Participating in the election means that everything is exposed to the spotlight. Qiu Dagen admits that "there is always negative news" in the past. Apart from the lace, the most noticeable lawsuit was the lawsuit that lasted more than ten years.

In 2007, without the authorization of the board of directors, Qiu Dagen transferred more than 60 million yuan from Far East Holdings to his father Qiu Degen’s personal account, part of which was used to draw new shares. He was subsequently charged with ten counts of conspiracy to defraud and theft. After two years of trial, in 2012 Was convicted of not guilty.

Although acquitted, the incident lasted until the beginning of this year. After a meeting with the Securities Regulatory Commission, Qiu Dagen admitted to some of the circumstances of the case, including disclosing the amount as "amounts due from directors" in a false and/or misleading manner.

The court issued a verdict at the beginning of the year that the relevant misconduct violated the Securities and Futures Ordinance and prohibited Qiu Dagen from serving as a director of the corporation for 4 years.

The court also allowed him to continue to serve as the chairman of the Hong Kong Information Technology Federation, a director of Cyberport and a member of the Hospital Authority for reasons of public interest.

Qiu Dagen's straight recognition is a big lesson, "I have no choice but to observe the law. If I have negligence, I have to admit my fault, and I have to admit my mistakes, and continue to look forward." When asked about this, how Win the trust of the people?

Qiu pointed out that the whole matter has been made public, and the public can comment, "But if the matter passes, the individual will make progress, and I will be more cautious and check the same."

Without the authorization of the board of directors, Qiu Dagen transferred more than 60 million yuan from Far East Holdings to his father Qiu Degen's personal account in 2007.

The court issued a verdict earlier this year that the misconduct violated the Securities and Futures Ordinance and prohibited Qiu from serving as a director of the corporation for four years.

(Profile picture)

Promise not to participate in the company's investment decision-making to avoid conflicts of interest

The incident began in 2010 and came to an end this year. Qiu repeatedly affirmed Hong Kong’s judicial system, but at the same time he mentioned that “time is a cost. For a person, more than ten years are a long time, and not everyone is worthy of a lawsuit. It’s a mental torture.” After ten years of gain, he said that he should be calm in the face of mistakes. “If you go to the parliament, there will be more public supervision. You can only prove it with actions.”

The most taboo thing in politics is the conflict of interest. Qiu Dagen pointed out that he was aware of it when he took office in Cyberport. Therefore, the venture capital fund he established in the past two years has been taken care of by a professional team. "From daily operation to investment decision, I basically I didn't participate in the above, just a shareholder." He said that non-participation is the most effective firewall, and the issue of suspected conflict of interest will be reported in accordance with the rules.

The voter base is less than 0.6% in the past Qiu: Votes increase

As an innovation and technology investor, how representative is it in the industry?

Qiu Dagen pointed out that he has been in contact with practitioners, but believes that in the past, the voter base of more than 10,000 people may only rely on the impression points obtained by shouting slogans.

In the new "technological innovation community", although the voters are only 73 organizations, "the number of people who voted is many, but the weight of each vote is very much. The organizations that can vote represent hundreds or thousands of people, so they must coordinate. Support the side." And voters must be very senior, have the experience and ability to review the candidates' track record.

After the restructuring, the sector’s voter groups include more than 20 national-level scientific research platforms, more than 10 public institutions, and more than 40 organizations participating in government consultations, including some research institutes established in Hong Kong by central ministries and commissions, as well as positions held by Qiu Dagen. Cyberport and Hong Kong Information Technology Federation.

He pointed out that the electorate composition of the "science and innovation sector" is wider than before. "It is not only based on the information and communication technology sector. There are many scientific research and university groups based on the family. It is not the representative of the industry. There is also life technology."

Regarding the massive shrinking of the electorate base, Qiu pointed out that "I don't know how to talk about the side and what is fixed, but I can only talk about the interests of the representatives and the different concerns." The reform is only a process of social evolution.

Do you support the development of individual votes?

Qiu pointed out that "the future changes, we need to observe the evolution of the times, I think we need to try. Everyone will always understand, for thousands of years have been changing, the best kind of system? It is the same sentence, which system makes people live. Good, it’s a good system.”

Is the situation stabilizing and the central government let go?

"After tightening, it will loosen so it's natural."

Qiu Dagen said that after the return of Hong Kong’s political system, the direction of universal suffrage has been developed. “It’s good to put the US system in place, but it may not be suitable for other places. It’s invincible if you don’t hold a little bit.” He said that there are two types of American democracy. In the context of party politics, different systems must be explored separately.

Regarding the root cause of the conflicts in Hong Kong’s political situation, he said that he did not have an answer. The government has certain responsibilities, "but it cannot rely on the government."

With the implementation of the "Minato National Security Law" and a complete election system, will the central government gradually let go of it in the future?

Qiu pointed out that "relaxation and tightness mean that the economy has highs and lows, which are adjusted at different times. It is a kind of interaction that needs to be fine-tuned continuously in response to the situation. It is a natural situation.

Regarding the source of the conflicts in Hong Kong’s political situation, Qiu Dagen said that he has no answer and that the government has certain responsibilities, "but it cannot rely on the government." (Photo)

For the list of candidates from all sectors in the Legislative Council election,

please click here to refer to the "Hong Kong 01" election website.

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