The Limited Times

Report .. Britain will face a wave of infections with the Omicron mutator

12/11/2021, 6:33:12 PM

London, SANA- A report published today warned that Britain is at risk of experiencing a wave of infection with “Covid 19” caused by baskets.


A report published today warned that Britain is at risk of a wave of infection with Covid 19 caused by the mutated Omicron strain, which could lead to the death of up to 75,000 people by the end of next April if the government does not take new measures to control it.

According to the report issued by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the most optimistic forecasts indicate that more than two thousand cases will need hospitalization daily, and that 24,700 deaths will occur between December 1 and April 30 if the government does not take further measures.

As for the most pessimistic models, they indicate that hospital admissions will be twice as high as they were during January of this year, with 492,000 hospitalized patients and 74,800 deaths.

The government of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has already introduced new rules to slow the spread of Omicron, with instructions to work from home if possible, to wear masks in public places and to use so-called vaccine passports to enter places of entertainment.

Britain announced yesterday that it recorded 58,194 new infections within 24 hours, the highest daily total since January, and health officials say: Omicron is now spreading and the number of injuries may exceed one million by the end of the month.