The Limited Times

From the G7 warning to Russia: 'Huge consequences if it invades Ukraine'

12/12/2021, 11:21:00 AM

British head of diplomacy Truss: 'A very united voice emerged from the G7 from countries representing 50% of world GDP'. As for the nuclear negotiations in Vienna, they are "Iran's last chance" to present a "serious" solution and save the agreement (ANSA)

Russia exposes itself to "enormous consequences" in the event of an invasion of Ukraine

, British diplomacy chief Liz Truss warned at the G7 foreign ministers meeting in Liverpool, England.

From the meeting in Liverpool emerged "the very united voice of the G7 countries which represent 50% of world GDP and which are very clear that there would be enormous consequences for Russia in the event of a foray into Ukraine", commented Truss.

As for the negotiations underway in Vienna, they are "Iran's last chance" to present a "serious" solution and thus save the nuclear deal, said British Foreign Minister Liz Truss, speaking at the ministerial of the G7.

"As Italy we have reaffirmed that multilateralism is the lowest common denominator of our approach to foreign policy issues. And we must continue to invest in multilateralism".

This is the post on Facebook by Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio on the second day of work of the G7 Foreign Affairs in Liverpool.

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