The Limited Times

Presidential: Anne Hidalgo praises the union of the left through the primary

12/12/2021, 7:09:28 PM

Claiming to be released since her proposal to other progressive candidates, the mayor of Paris wants to defend a "united" France.

The Canigou, sacred mountain of the Catalans, dominates the palm trees and pines of Perpignan.

The sun makes the snow shine in the distance, up there, against a blue sky.

Anne Hidalgo is a bit at home.

At the Palais des congrès, Sunday afternoon, the room filled with a thousand activists - 1,150 according to the organizers - from all the neighboring departments made him feel it warmly.

In response, the candidate of the PS delivered a motivated speech, comparable to that of its launch in Lille on October 23.

Perhaps the socialist mayor of Paris also felt liberated by her proposal made Wednesday evening to the entire left to organize a primary to force unity ...

To discover

  • Presidential 2022: where are the candidates in the polls?

On a land of the left but in a city led by the RN Louis Aliot, Anne Hidalgo arose as a bulwark against the candidates of the nationalist rights, with the only way to victory, the gathering of the entire left.

“On this land that sings to the wind of Spain, with this accent…

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