The Limited Times

Sunday Mirror: Johnson participated in a Downing Street quiz party in lockdown

12/12/2021, 2:03:11 PM

Prime Minister Boris Johnson allegedly attended a 'quiz party' at 10 Downing Street on December 15 last year, when meetings were banned. The Sunday Mirror tabloid writes it, which also publishes the photos. Wrath of Labor, 'unfit to lead the country' (ANSA)

British Prime Minister

Boris Johnson

allegedly attended a 'quiz party' at 10 Downing Street on December 15 last year, when meetings were banned in London, according to the Sunday Mirror tabloid, which publishes a photo of BoJo to that alleged event.

The premier's office replied that Johnson "briefly took part in a virtual quiz game" to thank the Downing Street staff for their hard work during the pandemic.

Labor MP Angela Rayner commented, calling Johnson "unfit to lead this country", in the wake of an investigation into at least three allegations of illegal parties, two of them right in Downing Street, in defiance of the rules against Covid-19 in in force in this same period of 2020.

The photo shows the prime minister sitting at a table in one of the rooms of the prime minister's office with papers in his hand and looking amused and with two members of his staff on either side, one with a kind of wreath around his neck and a another, a woman, in front of a pc with a Santa hat on her head. 

According to the former British Undersecretary for Brexit, the conservative Steve Baker, Prime Minister Boris Johnson must "take control" of the situation, "the people must have faith that there are equal rules for everyone" and the premier must make that happen.

"He must save his position - Baker told the BBC - and he must do it now".

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