The Limited Times

Vaccines: 5.1 million doses in December, target exceeded

12/12/2021, 2:32:58 PM

478,058 doses of the anti-Covid vaccine were administered yesterday; a figure far higher than the minimum target of 350 thousand set for that day by the structure of Commissioner Francesco Figliuolo. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 12 - There were 478,058 doses of Covid vaccine administered yesterday;

a figure far superior to the minimum target of 350 thousand set for that day by the structure of Commissioner Francesco Figliuolo.

On Saturday there was usually a drop in the administration, which was also registered yesterday, but to a lesser extent than in the past: on Friday there were 554,956.

The vaccination estimates for the first 12 days of December provided by the Commissioner for the Regions (a minimum of 4.6 million total administrations) have already been greatly exceeded given that, when today's data is still missing, it is already at 5,129,537 , for an average of 466,322 per day.