The Limited Times

Japanese scientists create a smart muzzle to detect corona

12/14/2021, 10:52:01 AM

Tokyo-SANA A team of Japanese scientists managed to create a smart mask that lights up in the sun and glows if it contains


A team of Japanese scientists managed to create a smart mask that lights up in the sun and glows if it contains traces of the Corona virus.

Reuters quoted the team headed by Yasuhiro Tsukamoto from Kyoto University in western Japan as saying in a press release that this smart mask was developed “by using antibodies extracted from ostrich eggs after it was found that this bird is capable of producing several types of antibodies or proteins that protect it.” neutralizes foreign bodies in the body.”

Tsukamoto explained that scientists had earlier begun to create a mask covered with antibodies extracted from ostrich eggs targeting corona, based on previous research that showed that these birds have a strong resistance to diseases.

He pointed out that in February of last year, the team injected a number of ostriches with an inactive and non-threatening form of corona, and they succeeded in extracting a large amount of antibodies from its eggs, then they developed a special substance that is placed inside the masks that can be taken out and sprayed with a fluorescent dye containing antibodies to the virus derived from eggs Ostrich, and in the event of a trace of corona, the material or filter glows under ultraviolet rays.

In a small study to verify the matter, test subjects wore masks, and after eight hours, the filters were removed and sprayed with a chemical that glows under ultraviolet rays when the virus is present.

Tsukamoto expressed his hope that these luminous masks would provide an easy way to test for corona, pointing out that this mask may provide a low-cost test for the virus at home.

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