The Limited Times

Minyan: The proportion of people claiming to be Hong Kong has dropped to 39% and the proportion of people claiming to be Chinese has risen

12/14/2021, 4:16:18 PM

The Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion today (14) published a survey on the identity of Hong Kong citizens. The proportion of respondents who considered themselves "Hong Kong people" in a broad sense reached 70%, far higher than the 28% who considered themselves "Chinese people" in a broad sense. And think

The Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion today (14) published a survey on the identity of Hong Kong citizens. The proportion of respondents who considered themselves "Hong Kong people" in a broad sense reached 70%, far higher than the 28% who considered themselves "Chinese people" in a broad sense.

The percentage of people who consider themselves a mixed identity of "Hong Kong people" and "Chinese people" is 42%.

According to a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion, the score for agreeing to be a Hong Kong citizen is 7.94, which continues to be the highest score. Asians rank second with 7.79.


I agree that the Hong Kong people score 7.94 points but the importance is declining

Hong Kong Minyan conducted random telephone interviews from November 29 to December 3 and collected 1,001 successful samples.

In the independent score, the score for identifying themselves as a Hong Kong citizen is 7.94 points, which continues to be the highest score. Asians rank second with 7.79 points, followed by 6.86 points for global citizens, 6.38 points for members of the Chinese nation, and 6.13 points for Chinese. And 5.71 points for nationals of the People's Republic of China.

However, although the importance of the identity of Hong Kong people is still the highest at 7.64 points, it has fallen from the survey six months ago, and the identity index of Hong Kong people has also dropped to 75.9. Although it is still the highest among all identities, there are two The figures all fell to their lowest level since June 2017.

Claiming to be Hong Kongers fell to 39% and claiming to be Chinese 18%

If the Hong Kong people and the Chinese were investigated against each other, the proportion of self-proclaimed "Hong Kongers" dropped from 44% in June to 39%, and the proportion of self-proclaimed "Chinese" rose from 13% to 18%.

The self-proclaimed "Hong Kong Chinese" dropped from 13% to 11%, while the self-proclaimed "Hong Kong Chinese" rose from 28% to 31%.

In a broad sense, 70% of respondents claiming to be "Hong Kong people" in a broad sense are two percentage points lower than in June; 28% of respondents claiming to be "Chinese in a broad sense" are two percentage points higher than in June. Percentage points.

The proportion of people claiming to be a mixture of "Hong Kong people" and "Chinese" is 42%, which is the same as the June survey.

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