The Limited Times

Omicron|7 more countries will be listed as Group A regions on Friday, Hungary and other countries will be banned from entry for non-Hong Kong residents

12/14/2021, 11:27:49 AM

The Omicron epidemic is spreading around the world, and more and more countries have reported cases. The government announced today (14) that an additional 7 countries including Gibraltar, Hungary, Oman and Slovakia will be added on December 17 (Friday)

The Omicron epidemic is spreading around the world, and more and more countries are experiencing cases. The government announced today (14) that an additional 7 countries including Gibraltar, Hungary, Oman and Slovakia will be listed as high in Group A on December 17 (Friday). In risk areas, non-Hong Kong residents will not be able to enter Hong Kong. Currently, there are as many as 65 designated areas in Group A announced by the government.

The government announced today that according to the latest global development of the new crown virus, it will designate Bahrain, Bermuda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gibraltar, Hungary, Oman, and the Slovak Republic as Group A designations starting at midnight on Friday (17th). Regions in order to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for people arriving in Hong Kong.

In order to prevent problems, the government will, depending on the relevant risks, designate overseas areas where Omicron cases are found as Group A specified areas.

In response to the confirmation of Omicron cases in Bahrain, Bermuda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gibraltar, Hungary, Oman and the Slovak Republic, the government will designate these areas as Group A designated areas, which will take effect at midnight on December 17.

Non-Hong Kong residents who have stayed there within 21 days are not allowed to enter the country.

The infected cells were infected with the original novel coronavirus and the Omicron mutant strain, or the virus was mixed with the serum of the vaccinated person.

These cells were originally stained blue, but the cells killed by the virus turned into small white holes.

The original Wuhan virus can be killed by the sera of vaccinated persons, but the killing effect on the Omicron mutant strain is significantly reduced.

(Provided by two medical schools)

As for Hong Kong residents, they must have completed the vaccination and hold an approved vaccination record before boarding the flight back to Hong Kong.

After they arrive in Hong Kong, they must undergo a 21-day compulsory quarantine at the designated quarantine hotel, during which they undergo six tests, and they must go to a community testing center for compulsory testing on the 26th day of their arrival in Hong Kong.

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