The Limited Times

2G after booster vaccination: who missed what? Large federal state leaves the Lauterbach plan

12/15/2021, 9:34:33 PM

2G after booster vaccination: who missed what? Large federal state leaves the Lauterbach plan Created: 12/15/2021, 10:25 PM By: Patrick Mayer Corona crisis manager: Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (left) and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (both SPD). © IMAGO / photothek The corona test does not apply after the booster vaccination. The health ministers around Karl Lauterbach name a deadline - w

2G after booster vaccination: who missed what?

Large federal state leaves the Lauterbach plan

Created: 12/15/2021, 10:25 PM

By: Patrick Mayer

Corona crisis manager: Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (left) and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (both SPD).

© IMAGO / photothek

The corona test does not apply after the booster vaccination.

The health ministers around Karl Lauterbach name a deadline - which a large federal state does not adhere to.

Munich / Berlin / Stuttgart - Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) gave a lecture again.

And that in front of an audience of millions at “Anne Will”.

Quite a few viewers are likely to have listened spellbound when the health expert spoke about the influence of booster vaccinations in the coronavirus pandemic.

Booster vaccinations against Corona: There is no test requirement after 15 days

According to his assessment, boosted people would already have 75 percent protection with the vaccines that are now available, said the Rhinelander, also against the Omikron variant of Corona.

"That is very noteworthy," said the SPD politician: "So the booster vaccination is incredibly valuable." But how do you deal with rights and freedoms for third-party vaccinations?

The new head of department and successor to Jens Spahn (CDU), who has come under heavy criticism in places, had an answer ready.

Lauterbach campaigned for an end to compulsory testing for all those who had a booster vaccination behind them.

It got messed up anyway.

Who overlooked what?

One after the other: At the conference of the health ministers of the federal states with the federal government on Tuesday, December 14th, Lauterbach and his colleagues agreed a period of 15 days after the booster vaccination, after which the corona test obligation for boosted patients no longer applies.

2Gplus no longer applies to them.

In the video: After corona vaccine inventory - Violent Union criticism of Karl Lauterbach


reported by


Stuttgarter Zeitung

, however, this caused a lot of confusion in Baden-Württemberg - with around 11.1 million people, it is the third largest state in terms of inhabitants.

Because: At this point in time, the corona rule already applied in the southwest that boosted people did not have to show an additional negative test on the day of their booster vaccination, for example in the restaurant, in the cinema or in the fitness studio.

Proof of the third vaccination in the corresponding digital apps such as the Covid app was sufficient.

This has been implemented across the board between Mannheim, Freiburg, Stuttgart and Ulm since the first weekend in December from December 3rd to 5th.

I'm trying to buy back vaccine from Eastern Europe.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD)

"At the moment, Baden-Württemberg is sticking to the current regulation," said a ministry spokesman, according to the

Stuttgarter Zeitung

, on December 15.

The federal state in the southwest thus left the deadline that Lauterbach and the department heads had jointly decided.

It's the next mess in the corona crisis.

Even more: According to the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health in Stuttgart, the health ministers have not yet made a final decision on the deadline.

Corona test obligation after booster vaccinations: Baden-Württemberg goes its own way

Meanwhile, Lauterbach is struggling after his vaccine inventory to procure many more doses of vaccine so that the booster campaign in Germany does not stall.

"I'm trying to buy back vaccine from Eastern Europe," said the 58-year-old in ZDF's "Annual Review" on Wednesday evening (December 15).

He is doing "everything I can to get the vaccination campaign we are running through uninterrupted," he said.

A phone call to clarify with Stuttgart would certainly not be the worst idea.
