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Booster vaccination: when do I get the booster vaccination?

12/15/2021, 8:52:23 PM

Booster vaccination: when do I get the booster vaccination? Created: 12/15/2021, 9:35 PM By: Alexander Eser-Ruperti The booster vaccination is on everyone's lips, while the vaccine is running out. When can the third-party corona vaccination against Sars-CoV-2 be obtained in Lower Saxony? Hanover - Just before Christmas, many in Lower Saxony want to have the booster vaccination administered qui

Booster vaccination: when do I get the booster vaccination?

Created: 12/15/2021, 9:35 PM

By: Alexander Eser-Ruperti

The booster vaccination is on everyone's lips, while the vaccine is running out.

When can the third-party corona vaccination against Sars-CoV-2 be obtained in Lower Saxony?

Hanover - Just before Christmas, many in Lower Saxony want to have the booster vaccination administered quickly.

It might not be so easy soon, because the vaccine is running out.

This also causes a lot of irritation in politics.

But when can you get a third vaccination?

Lower Saxony is going its own way on this issue.

federal state

Lower Saxony


8,003,421 (as of December 31, 2020)

Prime Minister

Stephan Weil (SPD)

Booster vaccination: Lower Saxony takes a special Corona route and makes booster vaccinations possible after four weeks - immunologists warn against premature third vaccination

North Rhine-Westphalia had shown the way and wanted to allow the booster vaccination after just four weeks.

However, criticism in the context of the advance was not long in coming.

Which is why NRW has largely abolished booster vaccinations after four weeks.

Immunologists in particular warned against early booster vaccinations and had criticized the procedure.

While North Rhine-Westphalia is withdrawing, the booster vaccination in Lower Saxony is also possible after four weeks in the future.

With this, the state of Prime Minister Stephan Weil is going a separate way.

An early third vaccination is allowed, but not recommended, according to the Ministry of Health.

Booster vaccination after four weeks: Third vaccination after four weeks has almost no effect

The President of the German Society for Immunology recently stated that after four weeks the third vaccination had almost no effect.

In her opinion, the focus should now be on risk groups and those whose second vaccination was more than six months ago.

The Secretary General of the German Society for Immunology recommends a waiting period of at least four months - exceptions are people with a weakened immune system who have little or no reaction to the first two vaccinations.

Booster vaccinations could soon be canceled due to insufficient vaccine, but for the time being there are 300,000 new vaccine doses in Lower Saxony

Karl Lauterbach recently surprisingly became the new Minister of Health in Olaf Scholz's cabinet. After a short time he had bad news to announce: “We have a shortage of vaccines for the new quarter,” Lauterbach told

ARD Tagesthemen

. For the beginning of the new year this could stall the vaccination offensive, immunologists meanwhile fear that without a significant increase in vaccinations every winter could look like this.

For the time being, however, you don't have to worry about booster vaccinations in Lower Saxony: From December 16, the health authorities will receive a special quota of 300,000 vaccine doses.

These are products from Biontech.

In total, the Federal Ministry of Health provides the federal states with around three million additional doses of vaccine, broken down according to their population.

This means that some booster vaccinations can be covered for this year.

Two million Lower Saxony received their booster vaccination before the Christmas break

Lower Saxony's Prime Minister has long been an advocate of the Christmas rest.

The state government had decided to call for a Christmas rest from Christmas until the New Year, which is also accompanied by stronger contact restrictions.

Weil defended his decision to


Weser Kurier

on the grounds that “the dike must be raised before the water is there”.

Around 2 million people in Lower Saxony have already received a booster vaccination.

In the fight against corona, the third vaccination should protect particularly well against infection with the omicron variant.

(Archive image) © Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

In Lower Saxony, warning level three applies in almost half of the districts.

The current situation requires a faster vaccination rate, even with booster vaccinations.

In Lower Saxony, over two million people have already received the booster vaccination.

In view of the rampant Omikron variant, this number must continue to rise rapidly.

There have been 13 confirmed Omikron cases in the Nienburg district since Wednesday.

The district press spokesman spoke of the mild course of the disease, in which a 14-day home quarantine was immediately initiated.

When is the booster vaccination legally valid?

A different federal state than Lower Saxony is taking a special route here

In the meantime, the third-party vaccination can also be detected via the Corona warning app or the Covpass app. But when is the booster vaccination legally valid? Many who have received the third vaccination are currently wondering this. Baden-Württemberg is taking a different approach to this issue: Vaccinated persons are exempted from the obligation to test at 2g-plus events immediately after the vaccine has been administered. In contrast to full vaccination protection, there is no need to wait two weeks.

So far, there is no uniform rule on this issue - unlike in the case of complete vaccination protection.

He has a 14-day waiting period after the second vaccination nationwide.

Bavaria's Minister of Health and Chairman of the Conference of Health Ministers, Klaus Holetschek (CSU), has now called for clear rules for booster vaccinations.

According to Holetschek, the federal states need to know whether and from when the compulsory test will no longer apply to people who have been vaccinated three times.

With booster vaccination you can participate in public life in Lower Saxony even without a corona test

People who have received the booster vaccination have a clear advantage in Lower Saxony: they do not have to test, even under the 2g-plus rule.

This also applies during the Christmas break announced by Prime Minister Stephan Weil.

Lower Saxony was a pioneer with this model, now other federal states are following suit.

In the meantime, many are still wondering what exactly 2g-plus is all about.

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On Tuesday, the federal and state health ministers agreed to adopt the Lower Saxony procedure in many other federal states.

Even there you do not have to be tested again after a booster vaccination under the 2g-plus rule.

In view of Omikron, immunologists warn against the end of compulsory testing.

As far as this is concerned, Lower Saxony was a pioneer.

However, it remains to be seen whether the possibility of booster vaccinations after four weeks, as possible in Lower Saxony, will prevail.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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