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Evacuate a drunken relative at the end of a birthday party - and be suspected of kidnapping - Walla! news

12/15/2021, 8:40:16 PM

Three young men put their relative in the car after drinking a large amount of alcohol. Neighbors who saw the case thought it was a kidnapping and called police forces, who sprayed the family members with pepper spray and arrested them. "If it was not sad - it would have been funny." The policemen claim: They attacked us and threw stones

Evicted a drunken relative at the end of a birthday party - and suspected of kidnapping

Three young men put their relative in the car after drinking a large amount of alcohol.

Neighbors who saw the case thought it was a kidnapping and called police forces, who sprayed the family members with pepper spray and arrested them.

"If it was not sad - it would have been funny."

The policemen claim: They attacked us and threw stones

Shlomi Heller


Wednesday, 15 December 2021, 20:02 Updated: 21:05

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Three young men from Beit Shemesh tried to evacuate a drunk relative from a birthday party held yesterday (Tuesday) in the city, and were suspected of kidnapping.

Family members put him in the car after drinking a large amount of alcohol, but neighbors who saw the incident realized they intended otherwise and called police.

A police officer who arrived at the scene sprayed the three with tear gas and arrested them.

At the beginning of the hearing to extend the detention of three family members, residents of Beit Shemesh aged 26, 25, and 21, senior police sergeant Avi Shabtai said that "They approached him in a threatening manner. The policeman, who felt threatened, used pepper gas while calling for more forces to arrive. A policeman who arrived at the scene was pushed and attacked by hitting his head."

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"After they were arrested, the family members were attacked at the station by an officer" (Photo: Walla !, Shlomi Gabay)

Defense attorney for the family, lawyer Motti Regev, rejected the police version and claimed that it was an incident that stemmed from a misunderstanding.

"These are family members who celebrated the birthday of one of the brothers who lives in the city. They rented a compound, and when one of the brothers was in a guillotine, they had to take him home. It was difficult to take over but the father and mother took over and put him in the car."

Lawyer Regev added that "he was put into the vehicle in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood, and it opened as a kidnapping incident, the same policeman made a stop of the vehicle, he was told that it was not a kidnapping and nothing. Tear gas without any resistance or disruption to its actions. People unrelated to the case came from outside and a crowd began. Violence was used against the father, mother and siblings without any warning. They are normative and law-abiding. The mother is an educator for 20 years, the father works for the municipality. ".

The party ended in arrest (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The lawyer claimed that at the station itself the family members were attacked by a police officer. "While waiting they were allowed to smoke. An officer came and saw them smoking, and gave one a ringing slap for attacking cops. This was an out of proportion event. If it was not sad - it would be funny."

Jerusalem Magistrate's Court Judge Elad Lang rejected the police's request to extend their detention by five days and ordered their release. "The suspects are absent from previous convictions and the intensity of the violence they used in the incident is not high," the judge noted in his decision.

On the other hand, the Israeli police claim that "the policemen were called to the scene following a report of a brawl. The four suspects were arrested after attacking the policemen with punches and punches and even threw a stone at them. As a result of the attack, the policemen were slightly injured.

The police added that "shortly before one of the suspects entered the investigation, he did not obey the officer's instructions instead of not smoking on the spot and the officer took the cigarette out of the suspect's possession. The law with those involved. "

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  • Beit Shemesh

  • Israel Police

  • kidnapping