The Limited Times

Legislative Council Election|Wu Hongwei, Vice President of the University of Science and Technology, appeared in the election committee to denounce past councils as "junk clubs"

12/15/2021, 11:10:42 PM

The Legislative Council elections will be held this Sunday (19th). The new election committee sector has attracted many scholars who are "political veterans" to participate in the war, including Wu Hongwei, the vice president of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). He accepted the "Hong Kong 0

The Legislative Council elections will be held this Sunday (19th). The new election committee sector has attracted many scholars who are "political veterans" to participate in the war, including Wu Hongwei, the vice president of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou).

In an interview with "Hong Kong 01", he said that the Legislative Council in the past was like a "garbage club". Members only chanted political slogans, and even politics overridden education. However, since the implementation of the "Hong Kong National Security Law" last year, the parliament has returned to rationality and can discuss issues and discuss politics. Want to speak out for the higher education community.

The anti-amendment incident two years ago caused social tears. He believes that there is no need to set up an independent investigation committee, because politics does not have "black and white" and it is difficult to find out the truth.

However, he sympathizes with about 40% of young people involved in the counter-revision law being amended, and believes that they need to bear the legal consequences, but hopes that the court can "punish lightly", and he also expressly agrees that universities should retain the degrees of students in custody involved in the counter-revision law. "If I have the opportunity to make decisions, I will definitely make mistakes, because anyone can make mistakes, and the most important thing is that they are willing to change."

Wu Hongwei, a 59-year-old student from the University of Science and Technology, said that his participation in the election hopes to bring the voice of higher education to the parliament.

(Photo by Lu Yiming)

University funding applications have been repeatedly blocked in recent years, approving parliamentarians for political overriding education

59-year-old Wu Hongwei is a scholar of soil mechanics and ecological geotechnical engineering. He has joined the University of Science and Technology for 26 years. He is currently the Vice President of the University of Science and Technology Guangzhou Branch and the Dean of the Graduate School of HKUST Fok Yingdong.

He ran for the Legislative Council Election Committee as a "political veteran" and was nominated by 17 election committee members, including the former president of the University of Hong Kong Xu Lizhi and the chairman of Hopewell Industries, Hu Yingxiang.

In an interview with "Hong Kong 01", Wu Hongwei said that he noticed that applications for university funding have been repeatedly blocked in the Legislative Council in recent years. He criticized legislators for political overriding education. "Political slogans can be used."

However, he believes that since the implementation of the "Hong Kong National Security Law" last year, the parliament can return to rationality, treat each other with courtesy, discuss matters and discuss politics, and speak for the higher education sector.

Criticize the cumbersome approval of innovation and technology funds for more than a decade and helpless applications

He gave examples of the cumbersome approval of research funding for the Innovation and Technology Fund, and the approval time is too long. "If you have applied for, all the studies are done." Secondly, the fund requires a report every three months. One report can even make a lump-sum allocation, which undoubtedly adds to the administrative burden of scholars.

He took himself as an example, and stopped applying after applying once more than ten years ago.

As a manager of the University of Science and Technology, he clearly stated that if he is successfully elected, he will not resign from the university position. Hong Kong, five and a half days a week in Hong Kong, and one and a half days in the Mainland, can act as a contact person for the integration of science and innovation between the two places, helping Hong Kong's scientific research "landing" and cooperating with enterprises in the Greater Bay Area.

Wu Hongwei said with a smile that he is a "workaholic," 365 days a year, and will work as usual after the New Year's Day.

(Photo by Lu Yiming)

The National Security Law does not impair academic freedom and claims that scholars have the ability to judge legal research

Since the implementation of the "Hong Kong National Security Law", the state of academic freedom in Hong Kong has attracted attention. Scholars from the Academy of Social Sciences once publicly stated that faculty members believed that the regulations were unclear and worried about the impact on teaching research.

Wu Hongwei believes that the "National Security Law" does not affect academic freedom and does not set a "red line" for academic research. "As long as you don't break the law!" He pointed out that some scholars are "guilty" or "arrogant", questioning why they are unable to judge legality. Research.

You are a professor of the Academy of Social Sciences, but you don’t know that you are stepping on the boundary and you are breaking the law?

HKUST Vice President Wu Hongwei

Advocate that you are worried about violations of the law, you can first consult a lawyer "intuition" Li Jingjun's remarks are illegal

He emphasized that Hong Kong is a society under the rule of law. If you are worried that teaching and research will violate the law, you can consult the school’s legal opinions. "Other universities don’t know, HKUST always has lawyers available for consultation." However, it is difficult for the school to set research guidelines on this because it restricts creativity. .

In addition, in recent years, many academics with a high degree of social participation have failed to continue teaching at the university. For example, Lingda Luo Yongsheng and Xu Baoqiang were suspended from their contracts. He said he did not know.

As for Li Jingjun, a graduate of the University of Science and Technology, when he left his post, he was criticized for saying in English in an online forum that "I don't think we belong to China, but to the world."

Li Zeng issued a statement claiming that the meaning was taken out of context and incorrectly translated "belongs" into sovereign possession.

Wu Hongwei said that he was not a legal expert, but "intuitively" Li Jingjun's remarks were illegal, saying that Hong Kong is not China is a distortion of the facts. He does not know the reason for Li's departure. But you are not expressing political opinions, you are distorting facts."

Would you like to say that New York does not belong to the United States, and will you look at the government to deal with it? Wu Hongwei, Vice President of the University of Science and Technology

Regarding the fact that many universities have "cut seats" with the student union in recent years, he believes that the student union still has room for survival, and the previous topic must be law-abiding.

(Photo by Lu Yiming)

No need to set up an independent investigation committee, saying that politics is difficult to find out the truth

Looking back at the anti-amendment incident two years ago, Wu Hongwei believes that the original intention of the government to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance was good, but the implementation was "for people to take advantage of it." Attacking the Chinese platform." When asked whether the government "hard-necked" the proposal not to withdraw, triggering the follow-up disturbance, he said that he did not know, and reiterated that the government was unpredictable that things would eventually become so complicated.

There have been opinions in the society calling for the establishment of independent investigation committees or truth committees to mend social tears. He absolutely disagrees and believes that there is no need. "Black and white" (black and white), wondering how to investigate "black storm" forces, foreign funds, and what is meant by "independence."

Wu Hongwei said that some friends questioned why he was running for the election. "You will be respected by others, and you will be treated as a rubbish club." Treat each other with courtesy and discuss politics with matters.

(Photo by Lu Yiming)

Advocate that the university retain the student status of inmates and allow them to continue their studies after they are released from prison

More than 10,000 people were arrested in the anti-amendment case, of which about 4,000 were students, accounting for about 40%.

Wu described it as pitiful and regrettable. When asked whether the amnesty should be granted, he said that it should be decided by the judge that the young people involved should bear the legal consequences; but "the law is nothing more than human favor," and he expects the court to "punish lightly." It is agreed that the university should retain the degree of a student in custody involved in the counter-revision law. If the prison term exceeds the university’s study period, the school can also deal with it at its discretion. "If I have the opportunity to make decisions, I will definitely make mistakes, because anyone can make mistakes. The most important thing is. If he is willing to change, let’s have a chance, if you don’t think this student will have a miserable life?"

Wu Hongwei's election to the Legislative Council Election Committee


For the

list of candidates in the



please click here to refer to the "Hong Kong 01" election website.

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