The Limited Times

Not just the nuclear attack: the IDF prepares for war with Iran | Israel Today

12/15/2021, 9:40:17 PM

After the preparations are abandoned, it will take 5-3 years to attack the nuclear facilities • Israel is developing capabilities that will expand the options against Tehran • The full article - tomorrow in the "Shishvat" supplement

The IDF has begun preparing for an all-out war against Iran, of which the attack on nuclear sites will be only part of it.

The "Shishvat" supplement will publish an extensive project tomorrow on Israel's preparations for the attack on the Iranian nuclear program.

Preparedness today is only partial after preparations were abandoned in the last decade following the signing of the nuclear agreement, and it has been accelerated again this year but it will take another 5-3 years until it reaches full maturity.

Israel is also developing capabilities that will expand its range of options against Iran, and intends to dramatically increase the scope for acquiring various types of bombs and interceptors of the Iron Dome and magic wand, in preparation for a future confrontation with Iran.

A missile fired by the Iranian army during a naval exercise in the Gulf of Oman, Photo: Reuters

Preparations for a possible future attack in Iran are divided into three main layers: the stage prior to the attack, the attack itself, and what will happen after it.

The preliminary phase requires the IDF not only to build operational plans, but also in training, models and preparations for a possible escalation on a variety of fronts.

At the same time, accelerated diplomatic activity will be required to generate international legitimacy for Israel to attack.

Israel will do so without revealing its intentions to attack, with the exception of the United States, which will be a full secret partner in the move. "Coordination with the Americans is strategic, it is at the core of our interest," says a senior officer. "Or in their radars deployed in Iraq and the Gulf region, and even in rescue capabilities - and of course in assisting in military defense of us after the attack."

Israel will also be required to decide what its red lines are, following which it will attack Iran.

The attack itself may be limited or extensive and include only the enrichment facilities at Natanz and Kom (Purdue), additional facilities related to the nuclear program, and even Revolutionary Guards sites.

It is likely that in any scenario, Israel will first attack Iran's air defense system, in order to reduce the risk to Air Force aircraft.

"Make sure benefit in advance"

A former senior official says Israel must make sure in advance that the attack will lead to a significant delay in Iran's nuclear program.

"If we attack and reject Iran's nuclear for a year or two, it's like we did nothing," he clarified.

"We need to be sure that we will cause significant damage and lead to a postponement of many years."


The most significant weapon in the Iranian response arsenal, Photo: AP

As part of the preparations for the attack, Israel will also prepare for the "day after".

Experts are united in their view that Iran will respond, but disagree on the extent of the response.

Some believe that Iran will use all its capabilities and protégés to launch a widespread counterattack, while others argue that the response will be only minor - especially on the part of Hezbollah, which is the most significant weapon in Iran's response arsenal.

However, experts are united in their opinion that immediately after being attacked, Iran will try to rehabilitate its nuclear program and claim that once it has been attacked by a nuclear state (Israel), it has the right to possess nuclear weapons to protect itself from similar attacks in the future.

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