The Limited Times

Request for parking card

12/15/2021, 2:47:24 PM

A disabled situation allows you to obtain a parking card, essential to be able to park in the reserved spaces. This exe

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Request for parking card


I have the honor to apply for a disabled parking card.

Indeed, my disability considerably reduces my autonomy and especially my ability to walk.

To support my request, please find attached to this letter the completed official form, my medical certificate, a photocopy of my identity document (identity card, passport or family record book), a recent photo as well as a proof of address (rent receipt or EDF invoice).

Of course, I remain at your disposal to provide any additional information you deem useful.

Pending a favorable response to my request, please accept, Madam, Sir, the assurance of my best regards.


Send your request for a parking card to the departmental center for disabled people in your department.

Several criteria are essential to assess your handicap, including reduced walking perimeter, oxygen therapy, prosthesis of a lower limb or even the systematic recourse to an aid (device, cane, vehicle, etc.).