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A shark vomited a human arm in front of hundreds of spectators and solved a murder mystery - Walla! news

12/16/2021, 10:16:42 PM

A shark that vomited a severed arm with a unique tattoo on it helped solve a murder mystery among gang members that occurred in Australia a hundred years ago

A shark vomited a human arm in front of hundreds of spectators and solved a murder mystery

A shark that vomited an arm in a truncated aquarium with a unique tattoo on it helped solve a murder mystery among gang members that occurred in Australia a hundred years ago.

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Friday, 17 December 2021, 00:00

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Trailer for the documentary "Tiger Shark Express" (Guy Harvey)

About the murder mystery that was solved almost a hundred years ago with the help of a shark, have you heard? So fasten your seatbelts, because we're going to share with you one of the weirdest murders reported to date. It was one bright day when a tiger shark caught by aquarium owners in Sydney, Australia vomited in front of hundreds of spectators a human arm with a unique tattoo - it would have been easy to attribute it to a man killed in cold blood by his fellow crime.

Our story begins when the owner of the Koji Aquarium and Swimming Tubs in Sydney, Brett Hobson, caught a tiger shark and used it to attract customers. The shark, which weighed one ton and was four meters long, was caught three kilometers from the shore, and soon crowds began to flock to the place to see it. At around 16:30 on the Anzak (National Remembrance Day) holiday, the shark began to twitch and first vomited a rat, then vomited a bird and finally vomited a human arm as well - as the audience watched in horror. One of the witnesses to the incident, Narcissus Leo Young, told the Sydney Herald: "I was three or four meters shark and saw clearly that runs from foam heat smelled really not good."

on the left arm escaping from the barrel shark was tattooed prominently on the forearm inner of the two boxers, and a rope was attached to the wrist. soon she discovered Police that the arm belongs to a gang member named Jimmy Smith and that G.Days was not preyed upon by a shark - rather it was only his arm that was served to the shark as food after being killed in cold blood.

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To the full article

This is the full story of Arm and Shark:

And that's what really happened there

Jimmy Smith was an associate of local criminal Reginald Holmes.

He worked for him smuggling drugs from passing ships.

The duo befriended Patrick Brady, a former service man convicted of fraud.

They began forging checks from Holmes' wealthy customers, using Holmes and Smith's businesses to cash them.

In time Smith and Holmes quarreled - and soon Smith began to blackmail his ex-partner.

Smith spent the last night of his life with Patrick Brady when the two went out for a drink at the hotel bar.

Police were able to locate his latest movements, and about three weeks after Smith's arm was found - Brady was arrested on suspicion of murdering him.

Without her body, however, one arm would not have been sufficient proof of murder.

During his interrogation, Brady pointed an accusing finger at Holmes.

When police were on their way to Holmes, he got drunk and shot himself in the head.

Wait, this delusional story gets another twist: Holmes survived his suicide case, after the bullet actually hit his head.

Holmes, who has 9 souls, escaped from the police in his motorboat, but was eventually caught and sent to custody.

During his interrogation, Holmes began to reveal "the whole truth" and said that Brady showed up at his house late at night holding Smith's amputated arm.

He said Brady explained to Holmes how he murdered Smith, dismembered his body and placed the pieces in a trunk thrown into the sea.

Brady threatened to blackmail him if he did not pay him £ 500 instead. Holmes, he said, gave Brady the money and it left him with the arm.

More on the murder mystery that shook Australia:

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The frightened Holmes drove into the sea in the middle of the night and threw his arm there.

In an unusual coincidence, a small shark then ate the arm and was in turn eaten by a tiger shark.

Nine days after the murder, Ron Hobson captured the aforementioned shark from the ocean.

This method of murder was referred to as the "Sydney Sand-Off" in crime circles in the 1920s and 1930s, when the vast ocean was an easy means of disposing of corpses.

When the investigation into Smith's death was about to begin, Holmes was found dead in his car, with three bullets in his chest. A conviction was obtained, and Brady was released. No one was ever charged with these deaths and until his death in 1965, at the age of 76, Patrick Brady denied having any connection to the story. Jimmy Smith's body was never found.

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