The Limited Times

Corona outbreak at a school in Jerusalem: 62 students infected Israel today

12/16/2021, 2:04:57 PM

Following the spread, Evelina de Rothschild students were forced to switch to distance learning • One of the mothers told "Israel Today": "We are shocked, the educational staff acted quickly to locate all the infections" • Jerusalem Municipality:

Corona outbreak at a school in Jerusalem: 62 students from the Evelina de Rothschild educational institution were diagnosed with the virus.

The school was temporarily closed, and studies were zoomed in. 

A number of girls were diagnosed with blueprint during the week, and after extensive tests for female students - 62 of them were found to be infected with the virus. 

One of the mothers told Israel Today: "At the beginning of the week, a number of girls in my daughter's class were diagnosed, and all the students were sent for isolation and tests. My daughter also came out positive with mild symptoms. Within two or three days it spread to many classes at the school. "Excellent, and yesterday they brought a test van to all the students at the institution. So far, more than 60 infections have been discovered. We are in shock. It's just crazy."

The Jerusalem municipality stated that: "We emphasize that, as far as is known, this is not an omicron. Following the outburst at the direction of the district doctor, the school moved to learn from home. On Saturday evening, another situation assessment will take place.

There are 1,560 patients in Jerusalem, and the Jerusalem municipality emphasized that there are no red neighborhoods.

The municipality will also carry out a large-scale sampling operation on Mount Nof today following fears of an outbreak following the discovery of a sick family.

Data released today by the Ministry of Health stated that yesterday 741 new verifications were discovered across the country out of 121,329 tests performed, which is a 0.79 percent positive rate.

The coefficient of infection increased slightly and stands at 1.02.

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