The Limited Times

Eliminate hopes of terrorism: Chumash must be settled immediately | Israel today

12/16/2021, 9:22:46 PM

Terrorist organizations live by the hope that with the help of killing and murder they will flee the Jews from the homeland • We must build a settlement precisely where they tried and succeeded in killing and injuring

We must immediately resettle Chumash and thereby charge the price from those who want to smuggle us out of the area and in fact from the Land of Israel.

 The terrorist organizations live by the hope that with the help of killing and murder they will flee the Jews from the homeland.

This hope should be eliminated by building a settlement precisely where they tried and succeeded in killing and injuring.

There is nothing like the Chumash settlement that was evacuated during the disengagement to start charging the price from the terrorists and the envelope that supports them.

Its ruins must be rebuilt immediately.

This would be an appropriate Zionist answer according to the year of the beginning of Zionism when the Hebrew settlement was subject to attacks by Arab gangs and answered in other settlement points and should continue today.

This is not just a moral answer but a security and deterrent answer.

Remember, the War of Independence that began with the enemy attack on the areas that the partition plan left us and ended with the annexation of the territories from which they launched a comprehensive offensive.

As then, so today after the Oslo Accords.

After declaring war on the land we have left in Judea and Samaria, after taking over the AB territories in the Oslo Accords, the same territories that became terrorist bases. And now they are violating the Oslo Accords in Area C that belong to us - in an organized campaign Hostile.

War must be fought — in the expansion of settlement.

Rehabilitation of Chumash, which was addressed in the crazy disengagement plan, should begin - although it was not included in the Oslo Accords at all, also due to its importance as a strategic observation of the entire region up to the Shephelah.

The campaign against incitement

In terrorist trials, it is once again revealed where the incitement to murder came from.

From the mosques and the Palestinian media that receive an umbrella of morally distorted protection in the name of freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech is not the freedom of incitement to incite against us on radio and television stations in interviews and programs in which murderers of Jews from big to small and small are praised.

It's time to respond.

In arrest operations.

Operators of incitement stations must be started according to the Terrorism Law.

The radio and television frequencies given to them under the Paris Agreements as part of the Oslo Accords must be taken off the air.

The IDF knows how to do this.

Funds for terrorists

Israel ignores the money that continues to flow from the Palestinian Authority to terrorists and their families.

If the killers' lives are caught in the Chumash area, they will be included in the list of salary recipients.

The continued payment of salaries is an encouraging factor in terrorism.

And when it is done with the blindfold of our government or even with consent, the government exudes contempt for the seriousness of their actions.

That in fact she too is not so impressed by the terrorist acts or at least they can live with them.

Although the murdered are no longer alive and also the seriously injured with the situation.

Internal incitement made in the country.

At the same time, the government must immediately stop the incitement of political elements against the settlers 

Within it and in the Knesset.

The enemy knows how to do this and does not need help from home. It is forbidden to give a kind of legitimacy and justification to the other side while feeling that the Israeli government is with them.

Words have power.

And incitement is a recognition on which terrorist acts grow with cold weapons and now with firearms.

When the terrorists and their operatives hear the latest statements in which ministers and MKs - not necessarily Arabs - talk in one breath about murderers and terrorists and the settlers, they - on the other side understand

As they sang in the days of the British "El Doula Maana and El Yehud Kalbana" that is: the government is with us, and the Jews are our dogs.

"El Daula Amna"?

Even the Israeli government is with them.

Even if they in the government did not mean it. The way to stop it: The Prime Minister Bennett should announce what he said in the past - go back to the Pentateuch!

The author is Lt. Col. Res. And chairman of the Almagor terrorist victims' organization.

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