The Limited Times

Iran calls on Western countries participating in the Vienna negotiations to act with logic

12/16/2021, 11:04:55 PM

Tehran, SANA- Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian called on Western countries to participate in the Vienna talks


Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian called on Western countries participating in the Vienna talks on reviving the nuclear agreement to act on the basis of logic and good faith, criticizing their lack of initiative.

During a phone call today with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, Abdullahian expressed his appreciation for China's supportive stances for Iran in the Vienna negotiations, describing the negotiation process as good, while criticizing the "lack of initiative" on the part of the Western parties participating in these negotiations.

The Iranian foreign minister criticized the behavior of the US government and the governments of some other Western countries with regard to boycotting the Winter Olympics in China, expressing confidence in Beijing's success in organizing it.

For his part, the Chinese Foreign Minister described the relations between the two countries as strategic, stressing his country's determination to develop them.

Wang praised the Iranian side's positive efforts in the Vienna negotiations, noting that they pave the way for breakthroughs.