The Limited Times

Maintenance of order: illegal, the technique of the "trap" in the demonstrations has been modified

12/16/2021, 2:22:45 PM

The technique of the "trap" or the encirclement, deemed illegal by the Council of State, consists in surrounding the demonstrators and restraining them

Controversial, the technique of the trap in the demonstrations has been reviewed and corrected.

The Interior Ministry released the new full version of the National Law Enforcement Plan (SNMO) on Thursday.

It provides for better supervision of techniques for surrounding demonstrators and a "modernization" of summons before dispersal.

This diagram "thus develops a more protective doctrine for the demonstrators and firmer with the perpetrators of the violence", argues Beauvau in this new version.

The technique of the "trap" or the encirclement, which consists in surrounding the demonstrators and retaining them in a given perimeter, can be used "in order to avoid the recourse to techniques of maintenance of order which could present risks. superiors of harm to people ”.

This technique "must, as soon as circumstances permit, systematically provide a controlled exit point" and must be implemented "only for a period that is strictly necessary and proportionate".

The possibility offered to the demonstrators to leave the zone of encirclement "must constantly be reassessed with discernment", specifies the document.

Darmanin disowned by the Council of State

In June, the Council of State had inflicted a disavowal on Gérald Darmanin by canceling several provisions of the new SNMO presented in September 2020 and by forcing him to review his copy.

Among the censored measures were the technique of "the net" and the obligation for journalists to leave the sites of demonstrations when they were dispersed.

At the beginning of December, Beauvau had specified the place of journalists during the demonstrations in a first chapter of the new SNMO.

The revised text also details the new summons during dispersions.

"It is important that the demonstrators who do not seek confrontation perceive this transition perfectly" from the moment of the dispersion, according to Beauvau.

The new summons will clearly say: "we will use force, leave the scene immediately".

The use of the GM2L grenade and the LBD 40 with a “supervisor” is maintained.

"The weapons of intermediate forces are necessary" during the violence, recalls Beauvau, specifying that "each use of these weapons is traced".

"The authorities confirm a repressive approach"

For the Amnesty International association, this new pattern only supports the use of force.

"Instead of rethinking the management of demonstrations to move towards strategies of dialogue and de-escalation, the authorities are confirming a repressive approach", criticizes Anne-Sophie Simpere, liberties advocate at Amnesty International France.

For the NGO, “this SNMO confirms the use of weapons capable of mutilating”.

The issue of maintaining order has been the subject of heated controversy in France since the wave of protests against the labor law in 2016, and, above all, the movement of "yellow vests" in 2018-2019.

Their parades were punctuated by violent clashes, degradations and numerous injuries in the ranks of the demonstrators, in particular stunned by LBD fire from the police.

Read also: Yellow vests: life according to the dead

In a study published on November 29, the Defender of Rights noted that the police in France seemed "strongly marked by a confrontational prism" and inclined to apply the law with a "mainly punitive approach".