The Limited Times

Militias patrol the Texas border with the support of sheriffs to detain migrants

12/16/2021, 7:23:04 PM

Civilians with rifles and bulletproof vests join the offensive of the local authorities against the undocumented. "We do not want to work with [militias], but we do not control the sheriffs," argues the state government, which has promoted this operation against migrants.

Armed citizen militias are patrolling on their own around Kinney County, on the Texas-Mexico border, to intimidate and detain migrants trying to enter the United States illegally.




participate in a new offensive by the Texas authorities to arrest undocumented people, accusing them of trespassing on private property, and have even received support from local sheriffs, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Its members have indicated that they intend to detain the migrants and then hand them over to local authorities, although at the moment it is unknown if they have managed to intercept any.

According to

the average quoted, Brad Coe, sheriff of Kinney County, has spent months in contact

with a group of men wearing bulletproof vests and carrying rifles

to patrol the border.

These groups seek to catch migrants to hand them over to the authorities.

Patrick T. Fallon / AFP via Getty Images

The sheriff even went out on patrol with these


, using an aerial reconnaissance drone, and claims that he has tried to partner with private security companies for this work.

"The premise behind all of this is that if [migrants] know they will be arrested, they will go elsewhere," Coe explained.

Local authorities and migrant support organizations have expressed concern that armed civilians are acting as agents of the law.

On Wednesday, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and nine other organizations

filed a complaint with the Justice Department

, asking it to investigate the Texas state agencies and local governments involved.

Travis Considine, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, said his agency does not support association with such groups.

"We don't want to work with [militias], but we don't control the sheriffs," he said.

Samuel Hall, leader of the North Texas-based Patriots for America militia, said his group patrols public property, but promised he would not forcibly arrest anyone because it would be illegal, even though its members are heavily armed.

Of the 2,000 arrests made by state troopers under the

Operation Lone Star program,

the majority have occurred in Kinney County.