The Limited Times

Munich: Dominik Brunner's murderer violated conditions

12/16/2021, 5:22:56 PM

Dominik Brunner's convicted murderer has been sentenced to a fine. After his release, he illegally used cocaine. But he doesn't have to go to jail.

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Markus S. (right) in court in 2010: convicted of murder

Photo: imago stock & people

One of the two murderers of the manager Dominik Brunner has been sentenced by the Munich District Court I to a fine of 5,400 euros, divided into 180 daily rates, for violating the instructions of his managerial supervision.

Markus S., who was conditionally released from prison in 2019, consumed small amounts of cocaine in June and August of last year, the court found in the judgment published on Thursday.

Refraining from drug and alcohol consumption was one of the requirements.

It was an appeal process.

With the sentence, the district court remained well below the verdict of the district court, which had sentenced S. to nine months in prison without parole.

A new appeal is open to the public prosecutor's office and defense.

S. should have developed well

The court scored several points in favor of S.

He reported the cocaine use himself and confessed throughout the entire process.

In addition, he has recently developed positively.

The probation officer reported a very good development and social consolidation of the defendant in the family and at work.

S. had beaten up the 50-year-old Brunner at a S-Bahn station together with a friend in 2009.

This suffered serious injuries and died shortly afterwards.

Brunner had protected young people who had been harassed by S. and his friend.

ptz / AFP