The Limited Times

Suspicion: Family infected with omicron, violates isolation - and causes corona outbreak at school in Jerusalem | Israel Today

12/16/2021, 5:04:43 PM

The children of the family, who had returned from a red state, violated the conditions of isolation and went to the educational institutions.

A family from Jerusalem, who had returned from South Africa - a red country, violated isolation and may have led to the outbreak of the Omicron variant at the Evelina de Rothschild school, where 62 people were infected with corona.  

An inspection by the Home Front Command shows that the family who returned to Israel moved to home isolation after receiving a negative PCR result.

The family was supposed to continue the isolation for seven days, but nonetheless the children went to educational institutions.

On the fifth day of isolation the family was verified to the Omicron variant and even then continued to send the children to institutions.

During the interrogation it turned out that another person, who lied during the interrogation, was also connected to the same incident.

It turns out that this family infected the family's older grandparents.

The grandmother, continued her work as the director of an educational institution, even though she was in contact with the verified.

The above was verified after a few days for the variant, and his father visited the synagogue until the day it was verified for the variant.

In total so far in the chain there are seven verified verifications for Omicron and another 16 suspects with a high probability for Omicron.

Extensive investigation is being conducted into all the contacts linked to the incident, in extensive circles in an attempt to stem the outbreak, which stems from the family’s serious behavior.

It should be noted that even now, six children of the family do not cooperate and the intervention of the police is required to talk to them.

Also most of them are not vaccinated.

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