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Two complainants claim: "Mr. Big" from sex and the big city sexually assaulted us Israel today

12/16/2021, 8:35:21 PM

Two women, who do not know each other, contacted the Hollywood Reporter and accused the actor Chris Knott of attacking them in 2004 and 2015 • claimed that the daughter series, "Just Like That", and a campaign starring the actor flooded their memories

Actor Chris Knott, known as "Mr. Big" in the "Sex and the City" series, is accused of sexually assaulting two women, the Hollywood Reporter reports.

According to the report, the complainants with the fictitious names, "Zoe" (40) and "Lily" (31) contacted the magazine a few months apart and were not selling.

The two claimed that the recent rise of "Just Like That," the daughter series of "Sex and the City," the advertising campaign that preceded it and Noth's return to his familiar role, evoked difficult memories in them.

The two claim the star attacked them, in cases that occurred in 2004 in Los Angeles and 2015 in New York. Lily, a current journalist, contacted the Reporter in August, in an email that read: "I'm not sure how to approach such a story and how to locate the other victims." Zoe, who still works in the field of entertainment today and is afraid of revealing her identity to the public, turned to the magazine in October, saying that "the fact that he returned to play his familiar character in 'Sex and the City' ignited something in me." Therefore, she decided to "present to the public who he is."

The US media contacted Noth for comment, and the actor made a statement saying: "The accusations against me from people I met years, even decades ago, are completely false. (Even if) these stories were from 30 years or 30 days ago - does not mean no "This is a border I have never crossed. The meetings were consensual. It's hard not to ponder the timing of these stories. I'm not sure why they're floating now, but I know one thing for sure: I did not attack these women."

Chris Knott and Sarah Jessica Parker at the screening of the series "Just Like That", Photo: EP

After graduating from college in 2004, 22-year-old Zoe at the time moved to Los Angeles to work as an apprenticeship at a reputable company that used to work with Noth and other celebrities.

"He would pass by my desk and flirt with me," she said.

"Somehow he got my phone number from management and would leave me flirtatious voicemails on my work phone. My boss would say 'Mr. Big leaves you voicemails'."

The same spoken word boss confirmed to the reporter that she did indeed witness an actor conversing with Zoe in her position at work.

"It was at the height of the series, he was an idol for us," she said, adding that it would have seemed a little strange to her at the time. The 49-year-old found interest in Zoe significantly younger than him.

At one point, Zoe says, he invited her to a pool located in a building in West Hollywood, where he owned an apartment next to his New York apartment.

There, she says, the actor asked her questions about her degree, before leaving her in the pool with her friend, to flip through a book he claimed was easy to participate in a project based on, as he entered his apartment in order to have a phone call.

When he left he asked her to return the book to his apartment.

When she returned the book to him, Zoe claims that he kissed her - something that did not bother her, as she thought, she thought, that it might be an amusing story to tell her friends.

So, she says, he pulled her towards him, moved her towards the bed, tore off her pants and bikini she was wearing and began to rape her while her face was turned towards a mirror.

"It hurt a lot and I shouted 'Stop' and he didn't stop. I told him 'Can't you at least get a condom?'

And he laughed at me, "she says.

She also says that after the end of the act, she noticed blood on her shirt, and did not agree to tell her friend what had happened.

The company confirmed to the reporter that Zoe looked very upset when she returned from Knott's apartment, and the two even went to the police station, where they were told that Zoe had been attacked but she refused to say by whom.

The police station they went to said they had not kept archives since 2004.

According to Zoe's former boss, the employee called after the right number and said years' attacked her.

She says she was shocked to hear this, but at Zoe's request it was not made public.

"I was 25 at the time," she says today.

"It was a lot to digest and I did not know what to do."

From that moment on, she recounts dealing with nightmares, having difficulty concentrating on work and losing appetite.

She later turned to professional counseling for rape victims and felt persecuted by the case for the rest of her life.

Lily's story takes place in 2015, when she was 25 and Noth was 60. She then worked in the VIP room at a nightclub in New York, where she met the actor. Who knew him from "Sex and the City." "I was really excited about his star status," she told the newspaper. "He would start with me and it flattered me. I knew he was married, and I'm ashamed to admit it. He later got her phone number, invited her to a reputable restaurant and she chose to meet him, despite her good friend's advice to avoid meeting him.

From here, Lily says that when the two met, the restaurant's kitchen was already closed.

They drank wine at the bar, while he inquired as to her work.

She says she drank too much that evening and felt excited about the fact that she was spending an evening in the company of the star.

From there the two continued to his nearest apartment.

She says she did not think he would try to sleep with her, and that she assumed they would continue to drink whiskey and talk about his acting career.

"He tried to flirt with me and I toyed with the idea. He was older and looked older.

He kept trying and trying and I had to say ‘no’ more firmly and leave.

Then, the next thing that happened was that he took off his pants and stood in front of me. "According to her story, at this point he forcibly pushed his penis into her mouth.

According to Lily, she brought up the fact that he is a married man with children, and he replied that marriage is a deception and monogamy is not a real thing. From there, she recounts, she penetrated her in the same way she ostensibly penetrated Zoe, her face facing a mirror. "I kind of cried while it happened," she says. "When it's all over I went to the bathroom and put on my skirt. I felt horrible and horrible. Absolutely elusive. All my dreams about this actor I had adored for so many years were gone." "Lily's friend also confirmed to the magazine that she had heard about the case already on Lily's way back home."

The reporter reports that his men were considering an SMS alternative between Noth and the complainant presented to them, one of which read: "By the way, I have to ask if you enjoyed our one night last week. I thought it was a lot of fun, but I was not sure how you felt."

Lily responded with a text message that read: "Hmm ... I definitely enjoyed your company. Great conversation. I do not want to go into details by texting but I felt a little exploited."

She says that Knut has asked to meet with her several times since and she has rejected him.

The two have not met since.

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