The Limited Times

Corona press conference in Australia: "Minister, you have a spider on your leg"

12/17/2021, 2:29:09 PM

The Australian Minister of Health actually wants to talk about Corona - but then a Huntsman spider crawls up on her. She recognizes the poisonous animal immediately. The unusual reaction in the video.

Read the video transcript here

Yvette D'Ath, Australian Minister of Health:

"Can someone please take this spider down?"

Corona press conference with the Australian Minister of Health Yvette D'Ath.

Also there: a rather large Huntsman spider on the minister's leg.

Reporter: "Minister, you have a spider there"

Yvette D'Ath, Australian Minister of Health:

"Can someone please take this spider down?"

“That shows how controlled I can be.

I don't like huntsman spiders.

But I'll go ahead and pretend no Huntsman crawls up on me and leave that to someone else.

But when it reaches my face, please let me know. "

Translator: "Under your left foot."

Yvette D'Ath, Australian Minister of Health:

"Excuse me.

Now she's crawled away. "

“Okay, that was something, wasn't it?

We have Corona and Huntsmen. "

»The subject is the compulsory vaccination in companies.

The message is clear, and I've already said it: it's about protecting the general public ... is it coming back?

Everyone is staring at me. "

Huntsman or giant crab spiders are widespread in Australia.

They are not considered aggressive and rarely bite people.

But their bite can be painful.

The hairy large spiders reach a leg span of up to 15 centimeters.

After the press conference, the minister wrote on Twitter that no spiders were harmed in the incident.

For what was crawling around on her, the 51-year-old stayed amazingly cool overall.