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Italian court rules: A neutral guardian will be appointed for Eitan Biran | Israel Today

12/17/2021, 7:17:14 PM

Custody for the utilization of the cable car disaster will be transferred from Aunt Aya Biran-Nirko to an external party. • The decision will limit her ability to make decisions regarding the finances and future of the six-year-old child.

The legal saga surrounding the exploitation of the cable car disaster in Italy:

The Juvenile Court in Milan decided today (Friday) to transfer custody of Eitan Biran from the hands of his aunt Dr. Aya Biran-Nirko to an outside party, unrelated to his family. However, the six-year-old will continue to live In Fabia.

The court's decision will limit Biran-Nirko's ability (who has been Eitan's temporary guardian since the deaths of his parents and brother last May) to make decisions regarding Eitan's finances and future.

Eitan Biran's family members at the first court hearing in his case // Archive photo: Moshe Ben Simhon

The custody battle has continued in Italy since Byrne left Israel about two weeks ago, with his aunts on both sides seeking to adopt him.

A lawyer for Eitan's maternal grandparents reacted to the decision and told the Italian media: "We welcome the decision to replace Aya Biran as a guardian with an outside professional, as requested in the first place by the maternal grandparents. This is a decision made in favor of the child. To be a family member. "

Dr. Aya Biran's lawyers in Italy and Israel, Adv. Cesaro and Adv. Fanny, Adv. Moran and Adv. Chimi, said they welcomed the decision, which completely rejected all of the Peleg family's appeals regarding her appointment as guardian , And states that all proceedings for the appointment of Dr. Byrne as guardian were perfectly lawful and proper.

"In addition, the court ruled that Eitan's possession and residence would be with Aya Biran.

The decision further stipulates that a third party will be appointed as a neutral guardian who will replace Aya in light of the abduction incident committed by one of the families, and will make economic and other important decisions for Eitan to rule out claims of conflict of interest and to allow Aya to concentrate on Eitan's upbringing.

Unfortunately, by the way, as of today's decision, the Peleg family is trying to feed the media about the existence of any investigation against Dr. Byrne, as is the custom of a defamatory and inciting party.

There is no basis for these publications. '

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