The Limited Times

Smartphone / mobile phone buying guide

12/17/2021, 11:35:00 PM

It seems easy to tell the difference between a smartphone and a cell phone. One has an internet connection, the other doesn't? Yes and

Today there are hundreds of references of smartphones and mobile phones available on the market and it is not always easy to have the most suitable model for your needs.

You have to take the time to check the many specifications and features, but also compare prices to enjoy the most balanced terminal possible.

Today, smartphones largely dominate the market, and classic mobile phones are becoming increasingly rare.

This does not prevent us from being interested in this particular category of products, however.

But how do you tell the difference?

This guide is here to help you.

Smartphone or cell phone?

What differences?

There are, in fact, two distinct types of telephones: the basic cellphone and the smartphone. On the one hand, a simple mobile device, capable of making phone calls and sending texts. On the other, a personal assistant combining telephony, internet, multimedia player, camera… The difficulty? Intermediate ! Multimedia cell phones fall somewhere between phone and smartphone. They offer multimedia features, from the camera to the mp3 player, including touch screens… and even applications. If you are unsure of the classification, study the components. The difference between cell phone and smartphone is that the first is a phone. The second, a miniature computer incorporating a telephone. As such, it embeds a microprocessor,an operating system or a multitude of connected applications.

Various advantages

A simple cell phone emphasizes its simplicity.

No need to complicate the process!

Switch on, dial, call ... spontaneous use, accessible to all.

These laptops also offer basic texting and games, and even multimedia options.

Their limited options also give them much greater autonomy than that of a smartphone… not to mention that they capture better.

As for smartphones, precisely?

The versatility of the smartphone makes it the real Swiss army knife of communication.

Diary, Mp3 player, telephone or GPS… Difficult to name all of its functions, so many are they!

Each to his own

Looking to make calls, nothing more?

No need to invest in a high-end smartphone.

Opt for a multimedia laptop, which will give you the improved basics: calling, sending messages, taking pictures and listening to music.

A classic cell phone, on the other hand, adapts perfectly to the needs of the elderly.

Choose a model with a large screen and large keys.

The smartphone, finally… These devices are suitable for both personal and professional use.

If you do not already have one, note that its use differs from that of a conventional cell phone.

Although intuitive, it adopts a logic closer to the computer.

A mobile phone adapted to your needs

How to choose a cell phone, other than a smartphone?

If its functions are reduced to the essentials, they nonetheless require a thorough examination.

Screen and keyboard

From classic portable to multimedia, screens are getting closer and closer to the smartphone.

Large size and in colors, there are also many touch models!

Be careful, however, to the responsiveness of the screen: entry-level models can offer reduced sensitivity, frustrating in use.

Test it… while studying the proposed resolution, as well as the number of colors.

A resolution of 240 x 320 pixels is a minimum for any cell phone, with at least 262 colors.


This is a measurement imposed on all cell phones: the SAR, or Specific Absorption Rate, indicates the level of electromagnetic waves emitted by your phone.

The lower it is, the better!

Cell phones are generally more sensitive to the network than smartphones.

It is better to check that such an advantage does not come to the detriment of the SAR, considered low below 0.4 Watt per kilo.


The rule is simple: with reduced functions, reduced consumption.

The more applications you launch, the more energy your mobile phone needs to power them, the faster the battery drains.

Also note that the larger and brighter the screen, the more power it consumes.

Result ?

A mobile phone without multimedia options and without a touch screen offers up to ten hours of talk time.

Multimedia options

A growing number of cell phones incorporate multimedia options, from the simplest to the most advanced. The base ? A 2 to 5 megapixel sensor, for taking photos or filming. Look into the resolution of the resulting images, if you wish to make use of it. While they can help out, cell phones are not intended to replace a camera! On the music side, laptops offer quality sound reproduction. Remember, however, to control the storage space available on the device for your Mp3 files… and if necessary, the possibility of increasing its memory by a micro SD card. Finally, consider your wireless headphones: if you are using a hands-free kit or hi-fi headset, check for the presence of a Bluetooth connection. Note that some cell phones may offer a WiFi connection.Not being designed for, however, they present a less fluid and less intuitive navigation.

Frequency bands

The frequency bands are those on which your operator circulates radio waves.

Imagine a network of invisible wires broadcasting your calls to your interlocutor.

The problem ?

Not all operators use the same frequency bands!

Abroad or even within a country, your phone must be able to scan all existing bands to find a network.

A dual-band or tri-band cell phone is not enough: if you are traveling, opt for a quad band phone.

What more for a smartphone?

A smartphone, by definition, offers the same basic functions as a cell phone… and more.

Its asset?

Connectivity and computer components.

Broadband connectivity and 4G / 5G

This is the option that makes all the difference!

A smartphone is a connected device.

In addition to a WiFi connection, it guarantees internet access via the radio waves of your telephone operator.

If 4G remains widespread today, 5G is also topical.

In 4G, you enjoy a minimum speed of 1 Gbit per second, while 5G can reach up to 20 Gbits per second.

But to hope to benefit from it, you need a compatible smartphone, but also an adapted mobile plan: the combination of the two is essential.

Easy sharing

Sharing is unique to the smartphone. Broadcast your music and videos, send a file, connect to a speaker or a TV… Many protocols exist for this purpose. Bluetooth is the best known, allowing you to connect two devices: the connection is simple and fast, but subject to proximity and of average quality. The presence of WiFi, for its part, allows other more qualitative protocols, such as Airplay, DLNA, WiFi Direct… How to decide? Depending on the devices you want to connect your smartphone to! If your home theater system has a DLNA connection, choose a compatible smartphone. Note also that Android smartphones are compatible with the Chromecast system, which allows you to easily broadcast your multimedia content on a television, for example.

The touch screen, stylus and virtual keyboard

Contrary to popular belief, not all smartphones offer a touchscreen: some models for professional use favor the presence of a physical keyboard.

A large majority, however, opt for a touchscreen with a virtual keyboard.

This can be controlled with a finger, or with a suitable stylus.

Focus on your screen size and resolution.

If you are a fan of HD movies, demand a suitable screen!

An increased screen size provides comfortable reading.

Also take a look at the anti-shock treatments ...

The operating system

Like a computer, a smartphone has an operating system on board.

This manages the way in which the icons are displayed, the movements of your screen… and all the actions performed by your device!

There are many operating systems for smartphones.

The main ones?

Android (Google), and IOS (Apple).

To choose the right one for you, consider compatibility.

Do you already own an Apple device or Android TV?

In this case, the corresponding operating system can facilitate the synchronization and reading of your data.

Multimedia offer and applications

A smartphone is a media player. Some models have thus become photo specialists! Offering high definition resolutions, the integrated sensors also offer a multitude of options: LED flash, digital zoom, burst mode, panoramic, filter… you can retouch your photos, even after taking the picture. The second sensor on the front, for its part, provides selfies and videoconferencing. A smartphone also acts as a video camera, to film extreme sports or family meals. In both cases, choose the resolution, as well as the supported formats. The same goes for audio, a smartphone also being an Mp3 player: check the type of formats tolerated. Finally, on the application side, the offer is immense. Unless there are exceptional requirements, you will find what interests you!

Storage memory

As a miniature computer, you store an increasing number of files on your smartphone.

Music, photos, videos ... Too often ignored, storage memory nevertheless becomes an essential criterion of choice: where to store all these files, without the appropriate memory?

Several solutions are available to you: opt for a smartphone with suitable storage, up to 512 GB. Or opt for a model with a card reader!

A micro SD card can thus provide additional storage space.

Last option, the Cloud, or online storage.

Voice command

Voice commands are present in most smartphones: Apple offers Siri, while Google offers Google Assistant.

Send an audio message by text or dictate your commands to your mobile?

Without even touching it, you give it a name, validate the selection and let it dial the desired number.

Better ?

Some models can search the internet for you, or answer your questions.

NFC technology

The NFC chips on board some smartphones offer contactless exchange technology.

In other words ?

Pay for your groceries by passing your smartphone in front of a chip.

Or stream your favorite music to a compatible speaker, simply by placing your laptop next to it!

Optimize your smartphone!

Indispensable for the smartphone, do not neglect the covers or cases!

These are high-end fragile devices, which do not withstand shocks ...

If you like to call without interrupting your activities, the Bluetooth headset will have you covered.

You pick up with a simple gesture or even a word… and make your calls without touching your smartphone.

Want to enjoy your music in hi-fi quality?

Opt for a hi-fi system with integrated dock, or a tailor-made docking station… Some models even accommodate tablets!

Impossible to use the GPS of your smartphone without suitable support.

As for making a phone call, everything is easier with a device well tuned in the car ...

Present on a certain number of smartphones, the memory card can double your storage capacity ... while backing up your data externally, in the event of a telephone failure!

How about changing your smartphone?

There comes a time when trying to optimize the speed, storage or various features of a smartphone is no longer enough to boost its performance: when you realize this, it's usually time to change. terminal. But for which model? There are hundreds of them on the market, with new ones arriving every week. Clearly, finding the smartphone of your dreams is not an easy thing, even if you know exactly what you need. The best solution to make your choice is probably to look at our top 10 of the best smartphones to buy right now. Developed by our experts, this selection of mobile phones offers a set of models offering good value for money. Enough to greatly facilitate the purchase decision,while ensuring you enjoy a quality smartphone.