The Limited Times

The sulphurous sermons of Eddy L., alias imam Islem

12/17/2021, 7:35:14 PM

STORY - The Ministry of the Interior has announced the closure of the Grand Mosque of Beauvais, where this convert, known as Imam Islem, officiates.


Full beard, long hair, ponytail, Imam Islem likes to flaunt his knowledge of the Koran.

Friday preaching, questions and answers with the faithful by videoconference or masterful teaching: for about a year, he has been the central figure of the great mosque of Beauvais - which welcomes around 400 faithful every Friday.

On Monday, the Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, announced that he had initiated the administrative closure of the Grand Mosque because of

"several sermons which incite hatred, violence and advocate jihad"


See also

Gerald Darmanin dismissed two imams with "unacceptable" sermons

Very active on the web, Imam Islem left traces of his interventions there.

Before they were completely erased in recent days,

Le Figaro

was able to watch these videos: hours of recording that allow us to see that Imam Islem, still dressed in a long white tunic, gives his opinion on everything.

On music:

"What leads astray from Allah's path is music."

Music tends to lead ...

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