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Aldi: Customer complains about Christmas tree - answer raises a new question

12/18/2021, 10:24:04 AM

Aldi: Customer complains about Christmas tree - answer raises a new question Created: 12/18/2021 Updated: 12/18/2021, 11:16 AM From: Daniel Hagen Aldi - For many Christmas fans, the Christmas tree is one of the highlights of the holidays. Even worse if the fir tree looks more like a plucked chicken. There are many things that one associates with a contemplative Christmas: celebrating with the

Aldi: Customer complains about Christmas tree - answer raises a new question

Created: 12/18/2021 Updated: 12/18/2021, 11:16 AM

From: Daniel Hagen

Aldi - For many Christmas fans, the Christmas tree is one of the highlights of the holidays.

Even worse if the fir tree looks more like a plucked chicken.

There are many things that one associates with a contemplative Christmas: celebrating with the family, baking and eating cookies, listening to "Last Christmas" or watching "Die hard".

But one of the biggest highlights of the holidays is setting up and admiring the Christmas tree, which is almost magical.

But what if this magical moment is sabotaged right from the start because the proud Nordmann fir looks more like a plucked chicken?

A Facebook user also complains about this problem after buying and unpacking his tree from Aldi *.

HEIDELBERG24 * reveals how the discounter is reacting.

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Essen (Aldi Nord) / Mühlheim an der Ruhr (Aldi Süd)


Karl & Theo Albrecht

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$ 106.3 billion (2019)

Aldi: Facebook user complains about Christmas tree - This is how discounters react

"Oh Christmas tree, how green are your leaves", it says in the old children's song of the same name.

What is not sung about there, however, is how bad the ecological balance of some trees is.

For this reason, Öko-Test recommends other variants *.

Other trees are also on the move for so long that they present themselves as a real disappointment after the purchase.

This is also the case in a case described by a Facebook user.

A customer complains to Aldi about his Christmas tree.

© Screenshot / Facebook

“Do these fir trees see a drop of water during the time they are stored with you?

Most of the branches immediately lost their needles.

I should present such a “tree” to my children for Christmas, ”the man writes to the Aldi team after his family bought and unpacked the Nordmann fir for us in one of their branches.

Below is a picture of the tree that is completely bare at the top.

Aldi: Exchanging the Nordmann fir is very difficult

Aldi responds immediately to the post and apologizes for the condition of the Christmas tree. “Since plants belong to the so-called“ fast movers ”with us, they usually do not require any special care in the branches. Apparently this is a remnant, ”explains the team on Facebook. The angry customer can, however, exchange the tree "without any problems". Whereby the term is problematic without any problems.

Because, as the Facebook user notes, it is relatively difficult to get a tree back into the car without a device to net it.

And not everyone has something like that lying around at home.

Therefore, the proud Nordmann fir is converted into a terrace tree and a new one is bought in another shop.

Aldi also responds to this and offers the man to deal with customer service, which will then find a solution with him.

The discounter is currently having a few problems with its Christmas fashion collection.

A jumpsuit seems so ugly that there are only nasty comments for it *.

(ie) HEIDELBERG24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.