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Mom, did you give an example today? This is how you will teach the child to be polite - Walla! health

12/18/2021, 9:53:29 PM

He looks at you and imitates you and also feeds on your reactions to his behavior - use this wisely to develop and nurture your child's politeness skills and make him a person who is pleasant to others in a friend

Mom, did you give an example today?

This is how you will teach the child to be polite

He looks at you and imitates you and also feeds on your reactions to his behavior - use this wisely to develop and cultivate your child's politeness skills and make him a person who is pleasant to others in his company.

Daniel Sarantsky, in collaboration with JAMA


Saturday, 18 December 2021, 23:18 Updated: 23:41

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As mothers, that's why you have so many roles.

Among other things, you need to teach your children to be human.

So it is clear that they will not be accepted into the British royal family, but still, it is worth teaching the children to accept the other in a basic way, express empathy and behave in a way that will allow other human beings to be with them without suffering.

How do you do that?


Amer, a certified behavioral analyst with a master’s degree in education, a lecturer and an expert in accompanying the family cell,

mentions that politeness is both a character trait and a social fitness, one that needs to be nurtured and perfected.

Since it all starts at home, your children, small and large, watch you, then learn and imitate you all the time.

If you want them to behave a certain way you must provide the right model for them most of the time.

For the JAMA app

More on Walla!

How will you help your child develop empathy and sensitivity?

In collaboration with JAMA

If you want, for example, your child to learn to wait patiently in line, you must demonstrate what patience is and that necessarily means that you should also have the patience and patience to deal with a toddler in the learning process.

The thing is, sometimes, not to mention often, you forget it.

Want her to learn to say thank you for the gift?

Say it first.

Girl opens presents (Photo: ShutterStock)

An example of this is the mother urging her child to say "beautiful hello" even before she herself has done so. Another example is the little boy who received a wrapped gift and he gets excited, begins to feel full of curiosity to find out what is inside it - and then the mother asks: "What do you say?" And the child replies (grimly of course) "Thank you", because he is still a child, it is very difficult for him to reject gratifications, consider others and show restraint. In order to reach a place where the child on his own initiative knows how to say thank you, he needs to go through a learning process that includes trial and error and he needs to see a model of appropriate behavior in these situations. Therefore, it would have been more appropriate for the mother to say a big thank you for the gift herself - it would have raised the chance that the child would just come back after her.

And how to reinforce positive behavior and reduce negative behavior?

When you encounter positive behaviors, even their spark - encourage the child and praise him. Guide the education from any trait and positive behavior you would like to see more of. They said for example: "What a beauty you are honoring your friend with a cookie. You are very generous." On the other hand, when you encounter negative behaviors, ones that you would like to see less of, respond with neutral, flat responses and in other words - do not take interest, as long as it is not dangerous behavior towards the child or his environment. The child will learn very quickly that in order to receive a profit he must act accordingly. It does not always come from speeches, explanations and educational attempts, but sometimes from the experience and encounter with reality itself.

The Jama app was established with the aim of addressing mothers of babies from birth to age three, and centralizing for them content, activities, tips from experts and videos that will accompany them throughout this challenging period.

All the content in the app "grows" together with the baby and is precisely adapted to its developmental stages, so that the mothers receive only what is relevant to them and interests them at any given moment.

The Jama app is the place for mothers in Israel to meet and get to know other mothers around them, and create new and exciting friendships in the fascinating journey.

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