The Limited Times

The missing baby was found after being entrusted to the marines at Kabul airport

12/18/2021, 5:29:42 PM

According to the Times, in the chaos of the evacuation he was saved by a taxi driver, now he will return to his family (ANSA)

He has been found and is being brought back to the

Sohail Ahmadi


, the missing Afghan child after being placed in the care of a US Marine by his parents at Kabul's Hamid Karzai airport during his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan last summer. The Times reports that the little boy, who is now

six months old

, after escaping an

attempted kidnapping

is now safe and was found in the home of a

taxi driver

in Kabul, who allegedly took care of him until now, after months of research following an appeal from parents. At the moment, however, there are no official confirmations on the identity of the child.

Mirza Ali Ahmadi and his wife Suraya were at the airport on August 19 to try to leave Afghanistan after the Taliban came to power.

Overwhelmed by the crowd

in front of the gates of the Abby Gate, together with thousands of other people waiting to enter the airport, they had entrusted their baby to an American soldier for fear that he would be crushed by the crowd, thinking that they would soon arrive at the entrance to take it back with them.

But they hadn't heard from the baby since that moment.

The couple were then

evacuated with their other children aged 17, 9, 6 and 3 to the United States