The Limited Times

Think of the living heroines and heroes: column by Sibylle Berg

12/18/2021, 12:53:13 PM

Whistleblowers, activists, climate protectionists, journalists: they risk their lives for a good cause. We wear T-shirts from dead role models - but the living ones need support.

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Che Guevara T-shirts: People love heroes, preferably fallen or dead

Photo: Roberto Machado Noa / LightRocket / Getty Images

Speaking of the festival of love.

People love heroes.

Favorite ones.

Or totes that can be printed on T-shirts.

The people who give the face of movements or who have started them are always individual people who fight for or against something.

Call it obsession, justice, or insanity.

Because in the end they are alone.

Edward Snowden, who demonstrated the surveillance by states and secret services and thus achieved next to nothing;

well, except that legal foundations for the undermining of privacy are now hectically glued together almost everywhere: he can never return to the country in which he was born.

Julian Assange, who has developed a journalistic platform with his colleagues, other whistleblowers;

a vessel for the democratic disclosure of facts that affect every taxpayer: Assange dies in front of the public.

In both cases, there was great interest in the heroes in their active days.

After their escape, their fall, their end, isolated human rights organizations, supporters or lawyers were still interested in the two of them.

And what a fun day we all had with the cum-ex exposures!

Studied the names, banks and lawyers who enriched the population.

Under the law.

Alone was just one of those who discovered the cum-ex mess (is that a criminal offense or still freedom of expression?) On trial.

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The law is neutral unless you co-author it, and of course every bank has a fair right to defend itself. But in this case too, instead of the tax foxes, the lives of the few who uncovered what can be read as fraud are ruined.

In Greece meanwhile, a young woman is on trial, alongside others, who has made herself a criminal offense to save her life.

Ruben Neugebauer, one of those activists who hold the absurd view that human lives have value, that drowning people, leaving people to die is not okay, and the Sea-Watch, CivilFleet, the Humanitarian Pilots Initiative and One of the initiators of the Kabul Airlift, lives just as dangerously as the captains who save people as the helpers on land.

They are as endangered as European (!) Journalists, who see no contradiction in democracy and unconditional information.


Sibylle Berg

GRM: Brainfuck.


Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch

Number of pages: 640

Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch

Number of pages: 640

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They can be imprisoned like the journalist Deniz Yücel, who today as chairman of the Pen Club tries to support other heroes who risk their lives for what is actually perfectly normal educational work.

And in the end we have to answer for that alone.

Almost as if with the fall of the heroes, their conviction, the burden of inaction had been lifted from the shoulders of the well-meaning.

You were right, not to expose yourself, to be silent, uff, you were lucky again.

Because the lesson that whistleblowers, activists, climate protectionists and journalists are learning more and more clearly for the silent majority is: You can exercise your basic democratic right to protest and resistance.

But you have to be willing to pay for it with your life.

So, and now a peaceful link to the festival of love.

The government of Berlin is concerned about the health of the homeless.

If there's anything you want to do under the law during this cold season, donate some money or time.

Or nod if you agree.