The Limited Times

Cinema: United Arab Emirates end film censorship

12/19/2021, 3:24:24 PM

This cinematographic development is part of a more general opening of the country, marked among other things by the authorization of cohabitation and the relaxation of restrictions on alcohol.

The Gulf is even more open to cinema.

Films shown in cinemas in the United Arab Emirates will no longer be censored, the country's authorities said on Sunday.

This lifting of censorship is accompanied by the creation of a new category of films banned for children under 21, which

"will be broadcast in their international version"

, with strict control over compliance with age limits, announced the Office of the Media Regulatory Bureau on its Twitter account.

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See also

West Side Story

banned in most Gulf States because of a supposed transgender character

Censorship is a widespread practice in the Arab world, especially in the very conservative Gulf region. Films which include scenes considered to be capable of undermining local customs are often cut during editing, or even banned. The latest example, Steven Spielberg's remake of the musical

West Side Story

was banned from broadcasting due to the presence of a supposedly transgender character. Another striking example, the release in 2019 of the last

Star Wars



The Rise of Skywalker

, was accompanied by the censorship of a fleeting gay kiss scene.

The Emirates, of which 90% of the population is made up of expatriates, have undertaken in recent years a vast project to modernize regulations, to become one of the most open countries in the Gulf.

To make the Emirates more attractive, the authorities have notably authorized cohabitation, eased restrictions on alcohol and offered long-term stays to foreigners.

The country has also announced that it will adopt from January 1 a Western-style weekend (Saturday-Sunday), while in the other Muslim countries in the region, the weekend is Friday ( day of great prayer) and Saturday.