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Commemoration and mourning five years after the Berlin attack

12/19/2021, 8:12:02 PM

Commemoration and mourning five years after the Berlin attack Created: 12/19/2021 Updated: 12/19/2021, 9:05 PM A woman stands at the “The Riss” memorial in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in 2016. © Hannibal Hanschke / Reuters / Pool / dpa Shortly before Christmas 2016, Germany experienced the worst Islamist terrorist attack. It kills 13 people and tears wounds that may never all

Commemoration and mourning five years after the Berlin attack

Created: 12/19/2021 Updated: 12/19/2021, 9:05 PM

A woman stands at the “The Riss” memorial in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in 2016. © Hannibal Hanschke / Reuters / Pool / dpa

Shortly before Christmas 2016, Germany experienced the worst Islamist terrorist attack.

It kills 13 people and tears wounds that may never all heal.

Berlin - Five years after the Islamist terrorist attack on the Christmas market at the Berlin Memorial Church, politicians and relatives of victims have reminded of the atrocity.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier admitted errors of the state at a prayer in the church on Sunday evening.

"The state has not been able to keep its promise of protection, security and freedom," said Steinmeier.

He "has a duty to correct the mistakes, failures and problems that contributed to the fact that this attack was not prevented".

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (l) at the memorial event.

© Fabian Sommer / dpa

Among the participants in the prayer were the new Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser, Berlin's Governing Mayor Michael Müller, his designated successor Franziska Giffey (all SPD) and several Berlin Senators.

After the prayer, around 200 people gathered to commemorate the memorial on the steps behind the church.

There were numerous wreaths and flowers.

On the steps were photos of the dead and lit candles.

The name of the 13th victim - a helper who died in October of this year as a result of the long-term effects of his injuries - was also written on the steps.

The lights at the Christmas market were switched off and it was quiet.

The names of the victims were read out while numerous visitors stood in silence at the barriers.

Shortly after 8:02 p.m., the time of the attack, a church bell rang 13 times.

On December 19, 2016, an Islamist terrorist drove into the Christmas market in a hijacked truck.

As a result, 13 people died and dozen were injured.

The assassin fled to Italy, where he was shot by the police.

Steinmeier: The attack was aimed at our way of life

Steinmeier said the attack plunged the bereaved into pain and grief.

"The crack of December 19, 2016 divides your life into a before and an after," said Steinmeier.

The attack "was aimed at our way of life: in peace, freedom and democracy".

You shouldn't let this be taken from you.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had previously stated: “The state must be able to defend itself and protect its citizens.” Both reminded of the deep pain of the relatives.

The governing mayor Müller said in the church: “Even if we have to remain vigilant, we will not let fear and hatred rule our lives.” The terrorists “did not win”.

A woman who lost her father in the attack spoke in a short speech at the memorial of "eternal pain".

The victims have a right to be informed.

"Let us all be awake and vigilant."

Some victims expressed their dissatisfaction in an open letter to the federal government.

They demanded a dignified treatment of those affected and the full investigation of the crime.

Federal Minister of the Interior Faeser agreed to do so.

“As far as there are still questions, we will look for answers.” She emphasized: “Nothing is swept under the carpet.

We owe that to the victims and bereaved. "

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The victim organization Weißer Ring reminded that the processing was far from over.

"There are still laborious processes going on, especially in the area of ​​victim compensation, there are quite a few incapacities of those affected," said Federal Managing Director Bianca Biwer of the "Heilbronner Voice".

Criticism of dealing with victims and bereaved

In some cases, new cases are added because people only seem to get along well.

“You didn't even recognize the trauma at first,” said Biwer.

The authorities made mistakes in dealing with the victims, for example when sending blood-soaked objects, but also with applications for compensation.

"There was no victim-sensitive handling to be seen, there was no transparency."

The Berlin victim commissioner Roland Weber said that communication from government agencies was not happy from the start, and that the victims felt like petitioners when they asked for support.

"That leads to anger and frustration," said the lawyer on Deutschlandfunk.

Nevertheless, there are improvements.

"Breitscheidplatz, I think, can definitely be seen as a turning point in victim protection."

Lane of devastation: 13 people died in the truck attack on the Christmas market at Berlin's Breitscheidplatz in December 2016.

© Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa

Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) promised the victims more support.

"Those affected can be certain that we will be there for them." He supports the plan of the Ampel coalition to declare March 11th as the national day of remembrance for the victims of terrorist violence.


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