The Limited Times

Pope: to young people, do not get infected with individualism viruses

12/19/2021, 11:29:54 AM

"Don't let yourself be infected by the virus of individualism. This is bad, and it hurts." The Pope said this in the video message for the inauguration of the academic year of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart which takes place in Milan. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - VATICAN CITY, DEC 19 - "Do not let yourself be infected by the virus of individualism. This is bad, and famished". The Pope said this in the video message for the inauguration of the academic year of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart which takes place in Milan. "The university is the right place to develop antibodies against this virus: the university opens your mind to reality and diversity; there you can put your talents on the line and make them available to everyone". "The openness and acceptance of the other is therefore particularly important, because it fosters a solidarity bond between the generations and fights individualist tendencies", he added.

    It is then necessary - continued the Pope - to overcome "the category of the Enlightenment" and leave room for "a new, creative thought".

"The world, especially today, is totally interdependent; this condition requires an unprecedented effort, because this epochal change has made obsolete the interpretative frameworks of the past, which are no longer useful for understanding the present. urgencies that we are called to face: from environmental to economic, from social to demographic ones ".

In this "the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart can represent a privileged place for the advanced development of this cultural elaboration".


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