The Limited Times

Rescued in Tenerife a cayuco with 105 people in which 17 others traveled who died on the journey

12/19/2021, 8:47:58 PM

The survivors, 40 of them minors, left the Gambia and had been at sea for 19 days The 105 people who landed in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife this Sunday after being rescued by the Civil Guard were traveling along with 17 others who died and were thrown overboard in a cayuco located 800 kilometers southwest of the island in the Saturday morning. This has been reported by the survivors to the teams that treated them on the ground, as Efe has learned from sources of the opera

The 105 people who landed in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife this Sunday after being rescued by the Civil Guard were traveling along with 17 others who died and were thrown overboard in a cayuco located 800 kilometers southwest of the island in the Saturday morning.

This has been reported by the survivors to the teams that treated them on the ground, as Efe has learned from sources of the operation.

They have also said that they left the Gambia and that they had been at sea for 19 days until the boat was rescued by the Río Segura boat a few minutes after midnight on Friday.

The survivors are 105 males, of which 40 are minors.

Eleven were treated at the pier and three were transferred to a hospital, according to sources consulted by Efe.

The Red Cross, the Canary Islands Emergency Service, Primary Care staff from the Canary Islands Health Service, the Civil Guard, the National Police, the Maritime Rescue, Frontex and the Tenerife Port Authority have participated in the operation.

Just a month ago, Salvamento Marítimo rescued the bodies of eight people in a drifting boat 65 kilometers south of Gran Canaria. A total of 62 people were traveling on the boat, all males of Maghreb origin and adults except two minors, 12 of whom were hospitalized, three of them seriously ill. At the end of October, at least four babies, a man and several women died during the crossing of a rescued boat with 52 people on board, all of sub-Saharan origin, on the route that leads from the south of the Sahara to the Canary Islands. The boat left Dakhla with water and supplies for three days, but spent 10 in the ocean and six of them adrift.

Control in the main countries of origin and transit of migrants, such as Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal and the Gambia, have prevented an average of almost 40% of exit attempts to Spain.

Despite this, and according to the Interior Ministry's calculation, as of October 31, almost 17,000 people had arrived on the islands, practically twice as much as last year on the same dates and to which the ransoms of the last two months should be added. .

In 2020 alone, the Canary Islands welcomed more than 23,000 migrants who put the entire infrastructure for the reception of migrants in Spain to the test.

Although the crisis has subsided, the inflows continue and there are still gaps to be resolved.