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UN concludes one year: 14 condemnations against Israel, 4 against the rest of the world | Israel Today

12/19/2021, 9:24:09 PM

The other decisions - against Iran, Russia, North Korea and Myanmar • Human rights organization: "Israel - a scapegoat"

At the weekend, the UN General Assembly closed its activities for 2021, and this year, too, Israel received a shower of condemnations and negative decisions above and beyond, and without any proportion, in relation to other countries.

The last two condemnations were received on Friday with the help of the automatic majority in the UN against Israel. The Lebanese government for that.

A second resolution condemns Israel for "exploiting the natural resources of the Palestinians, and the Golan Heights."

It should be noted that the wording does not mention Hamas' activities to finance the construction of terrorist tunnels instead of the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure;

Environmental pollution caused by burning Palestinian tires;

Destruction of flora and fauna by means of ignition balloons and kites;

Refusal to develop water resources and treat sewage, and more.

In total, this year, too, the assembly made 14 resolutions against Israel.

This is at a time when against the other 194 countries in the world the Assembly has made only four condemnation decisions.

These are condemnations against North Korea, Iran, Myanmar and Russian activity in the Crimean peninsula.

On the other hand, a draft condemnation of the Syrian regime, due to the crimes it committed against humanity, was rejected.

The human rights organization UN Watch has sharply criticized the United Nations.

"It is absurd that in 2021, out of about 20 UN General Assembly resolutions that visit countries, 14 of them - 70 percent - focused on one single country: Israel.

Make no mistake: the purpose of the distorted condemnations is to demonize the Jewish state, "Neuer added.

Hillel Neuer, Photo: Reuters

Neuer also blames the UN establishment and not just its member states, on the anti-Israel line.

Out of hundreds of claims for self-determination around the world, the UN Commission has chosen one - the claim against Israel - while omitting Palestinian commitments to dismantle terrorist infrastructure before establishing a state.

"The disproportionate attack by the UN against the Jewish state undermines the credibility of what is supposed to be an impartial international body.

"When the General Assembly succumbs to politicization and selectivity by discriminating against Israel, it violates the UN Charter's promise of equal treatment for all peoples, large and small," Neuer added.

He stressed that European countries that call themselves "Friends of Israel" also took part in the celebration of the condemnations.

"France, Germany, Sweden and other EU countries supported almost all 14 resolutions passed against Israel. But those European countries failed to lead to a single resolution of the General Assembly on human rights in China, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Turkey, Pakistan, Vietnam, Algiers. "A shot or 170 other countries. Where is the European Union's alleged concern for international law and human rights?" Asks Neuer, who has been working for years to expose the UN's built-in bias against Israel.

"Today's farce in the General Assembly emphasizes a simple fact: the UN automatic majority has no interest in truly helping the Palestinians, nor in defending anyone's human rights;

"The purpose of these unilateral ceremonial condemnations is to get Israel to hell," Neuer said.

Were we wrong?


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