The Limited Times

WHO: "A canceled event is better than a canceled life"

12/20/2021, 11:48:26 PM

WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says it is better to take difficult steps to stop the spread of the omicron variant. | Health | CNN

How does omicron compare to other variants?

What You Should Know 3:43

(CNN) -

The spread of covid-19, particularly the omicron variant, could mean that Christmas gatherings need to be canceled, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Monday.

"There can be no doubt that greater social mixing during the holiday period in many countries will lead to increased cases, overwhelmed health systems and more deaths," Tedros told a Geneva-based press conference for journalists.

“We are all fed up with this pandemic.

We all want to spend time with friends and family.

We all want to get back to normal.

The quickest way to do that is for all of us, leaders and individuals, to make the tough decisions that must be made to protect ourselves and others. "

Tedros said this could mean canceling events in person, "but a canceled event is better than a canceled life."

“It is better to cancel now and celebrate later than to celebrate now and cry later.

None of us want to be here again in 12 months, speaking of lost opportunities, continued inequality or new variants. "

Stronger covid-19 measures have taken effect across Europe, as several nations rush to slow the spread of the omicron variant.


Ómicron has also been identified in at least 45 US states as of Sunday, according to state officials in their respective states, as well as in Puerto Rico and Washington, DC.

Also, in several Latin American countries.

And with the delta variant still present, covid-19 cases in some areas are on the rise.

Health experts urge people to get vaccinated or receive a booster to protect themselves and others before they face increased chances of infection.


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