The Limited Times

Christmas, in the Pisan nativity scene with refugees and barbed wire

12/22/2021, 1:01:06 PM

The Madonna and St. Joseph with the face of refugees and in the center the baby Jesus in the hut surmounted by the inscription "The Christian roots of Europe" on a barbed wire. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - PONSACCO (PISA), 22 DEC - The Madonna and Saint Joseph with the face of the refugees and in the center the baby Jesus in the little hood surmounted by the inscription "The Christian roots of Europe" on a barbed wire.

It is the 'crib-denunciation' set up today by the parish priest of Ponsacco (Pisa), Don Armando Zappolini, "to denounce the hypocrisy of those who want to defend the Christian roots of Europe without applying the true messages of the Gospel".

    The nativity was presented by the priest to the faithful during the morning mass.

"I think it is right to denounce the hypocrisy of those who speak of the Christian roots of Europe and then in their behavior they do the opposite of what the Gospel says - explained Don Armando -. This is why we placed photos of children surrounded by barbed wire between Belarus in the crib. and Poland, or those of migrants in Lesbos to make it clear that the baby Jesus is born today between two desperate people, the face of a man and a woman who try to bring themselves and their children to safety ".