The Limited Times

The launch of the “Made in Syria” shopping festival in Yabroud

12/23/2021, 8:19:43 PM

Damascus Countryside, SANA- The 131st edition of the Made in Syria Festival, organized by the Damascus Chamber of Industry and its countryside, kicked off this evening

Rif Dimashq-SANA

This evening, the 131st session of the Made in Syria Festival, organized by the Damascus Chamber of Industry and its countryside in cooperation with the Damascus Countryside Chamber of Commerce, began with the participation of more than 50 industrial companies from various industrial, textile, chemical, engineering and food sectors, in the Nobles Hall in the Salhiya neighborhood in Yabroud city and continues until the 31st of current month.

The Governor of Damascus Countryside Moataz Abu Jamran indicated that the continuation of holding this festival is a confirmation of the partnership between the governorate of Rif Dimashq and the Chambers of Industry of Damascus and its countryside, the trade of Rif Dimashq and the local community, which proved its effectiveness through the participation of economic activities from the people of Yabroud in this festival, which witnessed a great demand for products Offered in it, which are of high quality and reasonable prices, while offering discounts, offers, and goods to the families of the martyrs at less than the cost.

Member of the Board of Directors of the Damascus and Rural Chamber of Industry and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Festival Talal Qala Ji pointed out the continuous support from the Damascus Countryside Governorate for the festival, which constitutes one of the means of positive intervention through the reductions that the participating companies were keen to offer on the occasion of Christmas and New Year and with the aim of relieving citizens of the burden of high prices .

For his part, a member of the Board of Directors of the Damascus Countryside Chamber of Commerce, Louay Sari, pointed out the importance of this session of the festival, through which real discounts are offered and the high turnout despite the cold weather and the festival is still in its first day.

A number of participants drew attention to the importance of the festival for the participant and the consumer, as Yassin Al-Tabaa, the sales manager of a food manufacturing company, "pasta and noodles" stated that such participation makes them as a company very close to the consumer and allows them to know his opinion of their products by communicating with him directly.

Omar Sammour, the representative of promotion and marketing in a food company for the production of confectionery and oils, indicated that the festival allows them to introduce and promote their products through the offers and discounts they offer in prices that compete with the market price.

For his part, Suleiman Al-Hamwi, Exhibition Manager at Detergents Company, stated that the purpose of the participation is to present and market the company's products at competitive prices and attractive offers, while ensuring the quality of the product and gaining consumer satisfaction.

Ahmed Suleiman and Louay Hosamou