The Limited Times

Interview|Tian Beichen said that 40% of the votes were not approved by the establishment.

12/24/2021, 11:13:53 PM

At the end of the Legislative Council election, Tian Beichen, who played on the political round table in the northwest constituency of the New Territories, was elected with 40,009 votes and was re-elected successfully. During the election process, the DAB Zhou Haoding severely criticized Tian Beichen for "promoting police

At the end of the Legislative Council election, Tian Beichen, who played on the political round table in the northwest constituency of the New Territories, was elected with 40,009 votes and was re-elected successfully.

During the election process, the DAB Zhou Haoding severely criticized Tian Beichen in the election forum for "engaging in police," "two-five boys," and "riding the fence," which became a hot topic in political circles and citizens after dinner.

Tian Beichen received an exclusive interview with "Hong Kong 01" earlier to analyze the composition and structure of his votes. He pointed out that more than 40% of the votes were from non-establishment groups, and the remaining about 60% were from establishment groups.

Tian Beichen believes that his success in obtaining part of the non-organizational votes is believed to be related to his political line of advocating independent thinking, rational political inquiry, and "don't support or oppose blindly."

When talking about Zhou Haoding’s turmoil, Tian Beichen pointed out that the other party was "losing into a street" on people's livelihood issues. He thought that Zhou hoped to "step on all the way" to become the king of votes, so he acted first and attacked him on the forum. Describing Zhou Haoding as artificial and scheming, he was very disappointed in him.


I won 70,000 votes last year and became the official vote king, and now I won 40,000 votes and said with a smile, "My wife asks me what to do."

According to Tian Beichen's analysis, in the Legislative Council election five years ago, the total votes obtained by the establishment candidates at the polling stations in the Northwest New Territories constituency accounted for 25% of the registered voters in the constituency, and the establishment candidates won 29.4% of the constituency in this constituency. Registered voter support.

Tian Beichen assumes that the support of the establishment candidates in this election will remain 25% of the total voters. Zhou Haoding's 90,000 votes accounted for 20% of the total voters, and the remaining 9.4% of the voters voted for him, of which about 4.4% The votes should come from non-establishment voters, and about 5% of the votes came from establishment voters.

Tian Beichen received more than 70,000 votes last year and became the "vote king" of the establishment in West New Territories. After direct elections in 10 districts this year, Tian Beichen received only 40,000 votes and failed to become the "vote king", questioning his support The degree has fallen, Tian Xiao said, "My wife asked me how to understand that your 70,000 votes fell to 40,000."

He explained that his percentage of votes in the current election was similar to that of the previous one. He was able to become the "vote king" at that time because the remaining four establishment candidates had to divide their votes.

Tian Beichen pointed out that his non-organizational support in this election was mainly related to his political line of advocating independent thinking, rational political inquiry, and "don’t support blindly, don’t blindly oppose." Lan Kai, this is a result of my “don’t blindly support and not rebel” in my political activities. I am reasoning for both sides, proposing solutions to the government, and speaking for the people of Hong Kong. I really dare to criticize the government. Little scolding is a big help," Tian Beichen mentioned. Many elderly and middle-aged voters who have claimed to vote for the Democratic Party in the past have expressed to him that they are considering voting for him, so I believe that some of the non-establishment votes come from more moderate pan-democratic voters. .

Tian Beichen received an exclusive interview with "Hong Kong 01" earlier to analyze the composition and structure of his votes. He pointed out that more than 40% of the votes were from non-establishment factions, and the remaining about 60% were from establishment factions.

(Photo by Zheng Zifeng)

The public is dissatisfied with the Legislative Council's secret appropriation Tian Beichen: I will do what I will do

He mentioned that voters are dissatisfied that the Legislative Council often passes bills and appropriations through secret counting. He also pointed out that although voters think that Tian Beichen cannot change the overall situation of the parliament when the motion is voted on, they are at least willing to voice and vote against the voters. Non-incorporated voters are willing to vote for him. "The public chooses members because they want them to speak out. They don't have to vote "successfully" to veto (the bill). Why does someone vote better than me?

Voters think that you (Tian) will always affect the overall situation, but I just like you because you are willing to help us (citizens)."

Emphasizes that there will be no surprises, and the establishment will be notified before the division

When asked if he would go further in the next parliament and even put forward more requirements for a registered vote, Tian Beichen said frankly that the public thought it was necessary to have a registered vote because "at least they know that you have reworked" and that he has always had some part of it. The motion puts forward a divided vote. In the future, "I will do what I want to do." He said bluntly: "Since the establishment supports me, I have to explain it to the voters." He emphasized that before a division is proposed in the future, the establishment must be notified in advance. Pie, "Don’t feel more raid than Que."

He emphasized that the establishment should win over non-establishment voters through performance and "make the pie bigger." If the next election only has establishments with the same voice, the turnout rate will not be high.

Tian Beichen emphasized that the establishment should win over non-establishment voters through performance and "make the pie bigger." If the next election only has the same establishment, the voter turnout rate will not be high.

(Photo by Zheng Zifeng)

Refers to the establishment of a long-term desire to obtain non-establishment votes

Tian Beichen’s non-organized votes increased, and his source of organizational votes decreased accordingly. Tian said bluntly: "My organizational votes have fallen, and many non-organized votes, so Zhou Hao Dingmi thinks I am the second to fifth... As long as you get a vote for the democratic party, it is of a different kind of person. I believe in what you do in elections. It is better not to choose or to implement the appointment system. In the long run, we hope that the establishment of the system will get the support of non-organizational voters. It’s you (the establishment), do you want to do it yourself? Don’t you know that after ten years, Zhong’s turnout rate will be 30%, you will be so happy?”

Tian Beichen met with reporters with the other 19 directly elected candidates a few days ago. In his speech, he also mentioned the Zhou Haoding incident, saying that the biggest gain of this election is that "it is good to find a point and change the system, and the nature of people will not change", also known as the original He thought that this election would bring about healthy competition. "As a result, someone who actually holds the party’s iron vote must be elected with a high vote. If he is still the winner of the vote, he will decapitate and play mud wrestling." He explained in the interview. At the press conference, I hoped to use this as a starting point for re-reporting the incident. "Say 90 people (new congressmen) if you listen to it again (tagging the hat)."

"Hate doesn't need to be reasonable"

He confessed that at the Hong Kong and Taiwan election forum, he was surprised by the artillery attack by Zhou Haoding at that time, and emphasized that asking Zhou Haoding's questions at the time was not targeted.

Tian Beichen questioned that Zhou Haoding was on the people’s livelihood issue "losing into a street and street", and believed that the other party knew that he would be able to win, but he hoped that he would "step on all the way" to become the king of votes. Attacked him, "He should know how many votes he has. It's a good idea to count the votes... If he defeats me by surprise, I can understand what he does (attack); Qu Yijia Obviously, if you want to be the vote king, if you want to be the vote king and do the same thing, and the central government has made it clear that it will not do anything after the election is perfect, it will make the meaning of a perfect election be lost."

Tian Beichen criticized that Zhou Haoding was artificially scheming and "good". He also pointed out that Zhou’s proposals and arguments on people’s livelihood issues had many flaws. "If I ask him (people’s livelihood issues) and generals, he will lose his mark. So he must first act to be strong," and said, "If someone thinks that I claim to be an establishment but don’t blindly support the government, and because I think I’m in the 25th, it’s a tragedy in Hong Kong. I can’t change that." He believes that Zhou Haoding should be able to deal with the wrong people in the election forum, and he can also not call him a "two or five boys", and put forward the reasons for "being a policeman" and then let him explain, not to label others indiscriminately, but he lamented, There is no reason for hatred. "Hate doesn't need to be reasonable. If it's not called hatred?" When asked whether he had a private exchange with Zhou Haoding afterwards, Tian Beichen stated firmly, " . I was so disappointed with Yu this time", he reiterated that he accepts anyone’s apology.

Fighting the people's livelihood can be lost to me, and the only weapon that he can hold is a single (independent investigation is supported).

(Reporter: You talked about being a police officer, but there is no reason to talk about it?) You don't need it, hatred doesn't need to be reasonable, if it's not called hatred.

I think he is a good man who works hard and knows that people’s livelihood will lose to me. He knows that even if the debate is lost, he will win me, but if he is dumb and dumb in the debate, he must be the king of the vote. .

Tian Beichen commented on Zhou Haoding and called him a second-to-five son

When asked if he had any private exchanges with Zhou Haoding afterwards, Tian Beichen said categorically, "No...No...I have lost hope for you this time", and he reiterated that he accepts an apology from anyone.

(Photo by Zheng Zifeng)

Saying to be a free man, taking the "trackless" parliamentary road, and not competing with the list of establishment groups to enter the committee

Tian Beichen said to himself that walking the "trackless road" in a 90-member council can play the role of a "free man" to a certain extent.

However, after the amendments to the "Rules of Procedure", members must form their own lists before joining the 18 committees, otherwise they can only compete for committee seats in their personal capacity. Tian Beichen pointed out that they will not form a list with other members at present, and pointed out that if the establishment is After coordination, he is not allowed to join the committee. He can still speak at the committee and the media will report as usual. The most important thing is to join the Finance Committee, the Personnel Committee and the Public Works Subcommittee to approve government funding applications.

Tian Beichen has been paying attention to the progress of customs clearance in the past. He believes that Lam Cheng-il’s previous job is the central government’s "final decision" for customs clearance. Details will be announced in the coming days. There will be opportunities for small-scale customs clearance at the end of the year. "Yes." He also said that according to his knowledge, the situation in Hong Kong with the mutant virus in the interior "has no ripples."

The chairman of the DAB, Li Huiqiong, ended the press conference with Ueda Beichen, and put his shoulders together to appease each other.

Tian Beichen pointed out in the interview: "Starry said at the time: "Forget it, forget it, look forward." (Photo by Li Zetong)

Being criticized as "two or five sons" Tian Beichen questioned Zhou Haoding's desire to vote Wang Wang, the establishment of the system is no longer called the legislative council election ︱ Tian Beichen sighed that Zhou Haoding slapped the hat for being the vote king, Li Huiqiong put on his shoulders to appease the Legislative Council election | annoyed Tian Beichen Later on the same stage, Zhou Haoding hooted: a solemn apology to Ah Tian for the Legislative Council election︱ Tian Beichen: Zhou Sheng apologized without clarification of slandering or reiterated support for an independent investigation into the Legislative Council election︱ Scolded twenty-five Zi Tian Beichen for violating central directives Zhou Haoding apologized for the Legislative Council election.

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