The Limited Times

Corona protest escalates in Bavarian city: police use pepper spray and batons

12/26/2021, 9:08:46 PM

Corona protest escalates in Bavarian city: police use pepper spray and batons Created: 12/26/2021, 10:05 PM From: Tanja Kipke An unannounced corona demonstration escalated in Schweinfurt. © NEWS5 / Merzbach An unannounced corona demo took place in Lower Franconia on Sunday. Because participants behaved aggressively, the police had to intervene. Schweinfurt - Several hundred people demonstrate

Corona protest escalates in Bavarian city: police use pepper spray and batons

Created: 12/26/2021, 10:05 PM

From: Tanja Kipke

An unannounced corona demonstration escalated in Schweinfurt.

© NEWS5 / Merzbach

An unannounced corona demo took place in Lower Franconia on Sunday.

Because participants behaved aggressively, the police had to intervene.

Schweinfurt - Several hundred people demonstrated against the state corona measures on Sunday evening, Christmas Day, according to the police in Schweinfurt - sometimes violently.

“Our emergency services were already forced to use baton and pepper spray against aggressive participants in the assembly.

We call on all participants to peacefully exercise their basic rights and to adhere to the rules, ”tweeted the Lower Franconia police.

According to information on site


, the mood is very heated.

(By the way: Our Bavaria newsletter informs you about all the important stories from the Free State. Register here.)

Corona protest in Schweinfurt escalates: child is injured by a pepper spray cloud

Three people who forcibly tried to break through police barriers were arrested.

"We call on all participants to adhere to the restrictions and to clearly separate themselves from rioters and criminals!"

The meeting had not been announced, the Schweinfurt police station was on duty with numerous support staff.

Above all, parents are urged to stay away from “violent aggressors”.

Apparently a child came into contact with the cloud of mist during a pepper spray mission.

"As a precautionary measure, our emergency services took the child to the rescue service," said the police.

Schweinfurt: There were corona protests last week

In the evening near St. Joseph's Hospital, the officials took down personal data from several participants in the congregation that had continuously violated restrictions.

Administrative offense proceedings are consequently initiated against those affected.

Last Sunday in Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, up to 3,000 people demonstrated against the Corona measures at an event that was not registered.

At times, safety distances were not observed, the police had announced.

Participants tried again and again to isolate themselves in small groups.

According to their own statements, however, the police prevented an “uncoordinated course of the meeting”.

(tkip with dpa)