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Fighter kitten loses paws - so she now conquers stairs

12/28/2021, 2:21:59 PM

Fighter kitten loses paws - so she now conquers stairs Created: 12/28/2021, 3:08 PM From: Sina Lück Due to a tragic fate, the kitten Rex lost her front paws. But that doesn't stop them from eagerly climbing stairs. USA - The handicap with which some animals live is always astonishing. Fighter kitten Rex also impressively proves in a TikTok video: Giving up is not an option. How she conquers th

Fighter kitten loses paws - so she now conquers stairs

Created: 12/28/2021, 3:08 PM

From: Sina Lück

Due to a tragic fate, the kitten Rex lost her front paws.

But that doesn't stop them from eagerly climbing stairs.

USA - The handicap with which some animals live is always astonishing.

Fighter kitten Rex also impressively proves in a TikTok video: Giving up is not an option.

How she conquers the stairs without front paws fascinates millions of people online, reports

Fighter kitten loses paws - so she now conquers stairs

“Go little Rockstar.” With this line from the song by the American indie pop band “Sales”, an owner underlines the incredible performance of her cat Rex, who has lost both front paws to frostbite.

On her TikTok channel “rex2paws” she shares the video of her very personal, four-legged rock star, who is not in the least bothered by the camera recordings while he is climbing.

Cat Rex can walk even without front paws.

(Symbol picture) © Panthermedia / Imago

Fighter kitten loses paws - Rex slides backwards on steps

The red tabby kitten skillfully maneuvers itself backwards to the edge of the five-step staircase in front of the front door.

After a scrutinizing look over his left shoulder, the cat carefully lets his hind legs slide onto the lower step - first the right, then the left.

One turn around its own axis and the descent continues.

This time Rex even takes the next step forward and taps with his stubby legs to the next lower level.

The clip clearly proves: This velvet paw is a real fighter and won't let her handicap stop her!

Fighter Kitten Loses Paws - People on the Net are amazed

"Thanks everyone, I think Rex is so special and it's nice to know that you do it too!", The proud cat owner thanks the TikTok community for their support.

People have already viewed the video 18.3 million times online and given around 3.3 million likes.

You are amazed and touched at the same time how effortless the kitten masters the stairs.

Here are some comments below the clip:

  • “Animals are such wonderful creatures, we don't deserve them at all !!!

    😭😭 I'm so happy that the cute mouse is doing reasonably well !! ❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻 "

  • "Aww 🥰 a sweet fighter 🥰 good luck and love."

  • "He has now turned into the most powerful kangaroo there is."

  • "What a cute rock star."

  • “Your kitten is a strong fighter.

    It's lucky that it has you 🥰. "

  • "I love the way he thinks before he does something."

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