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No reaction after the booster vaccination? Two experts explain whether this has an impact on corona protection

12/28/2021, 3:51:53 PM

No reaction after the booster vaccination? Two experts explain whether this has an impact on corona protection Created: 12/28/2021, 3:05 PM From: Juliane Gutmann Some lie flat for two days after the corona vaccination, others feel nothing at all. Read here whether the physical reaction shows the degree of protection. The corona vaccination has one goal: the body is to be stimulated to produce

No reaction after the booster vaccination?

Two experts explain whether this has an impact on corona protection

Created: 12/28/2021, 3:05 PM

From: Juliane Gutmann

Some lie flat for two days after the corona vaccination, others feel nothing at all.

Read here whether the physical reaction shows the degree of protection.

The corona vaccination has one goal: the body is to be stimulated to produce antibodies and specialized immune cells against corona so that it can immediately initiate defense mechanisms in the event of contact with coronaviruses.

In the case of mRNA vaccinations, the body is injected with the “blueprint” of the corona-specific spike protein in the form of its genetic structure.

As a result, the body can build antibodies and other specialized cells against this very spike protein.

When the body comes into contact with the coronavirus, the immune system recognizes the spike protein as a typical virus component and activates the specific antibodies

in order to fight the infection quickly and in a targeted manner. 

Vector vaccines like those from Johnson & Johnson or

Astrazeneca, on the other hand, consist of viruses (components) that are harmless to humans, the so-called vectors.

If these are administered in the form of a vaccination, an immune reaction and thus the development of vaccination protection is usually achieved *.

The myth of corona infection after a vaccination is wrong:

Immunization cannot trigger Covid-19 in the body


What happens often, however, are temporary vaccination reactions after the injection.

The Federal Ministry of Health lists the most common temporary physical reactions after a corona vaccination:

  • Pain at the injection site (80 percent of people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines)

  • Fatigue (60 percent of people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines)

  • Headache (50 percent of people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines)

  • Muscle pain (30 percent of people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines)

  • Chills (30 percent of people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines)

But what if the body doesn't react after the vaccination?

Can this indicate that you are not developing antibodies against coronaviruses?

A medical assistant sets a booster vaccination in the “Latin Palace Changó” discotheque in Frankfurt.

As part of a special vaccination campaign in Frankfurt, vaccinations were also carried out over Christmas.

© Andreas Arnold / dpa

Survey on the subject of corona vaccination

Also read:

Corona booster vaccination after six months or earlier?

For whom the booster vaccination is particularly important

Fever, headache and arm pain are absent after vaccination - a bad sign?

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, a lack of reaction from the body is not a cause for concern.

Studies have shown that even in people who had no symptoms after the corona vaccination, the effectiveness of the vaccines is up to 95 percent, it is said.

"It's not like that if you don't feel anything, your immune system has completely ignored the vaccination and has not reacted at all," said immunologist Carsten Watzl in an interview with SWR Knowledge.

There is no difference in vaccination protection between people who reacted very strongly to the vaccination or not at all

, Watzl cites studies.

"Vaccine side effects should not be used as a measure of vaccine effectiveness," Focus Online quotes Veenu Manoharan, a lecturer in immunology at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Despite differing immune responses to vaccines, if vaccinated, most people would achieve immunity to the coronavirus,

regardless of the presence, absence, and severity of the side effects, *

according to Manoharan, referring to the vaccine manufacturers' regulatory studies.

In a guest post on the specialist portal The Conversation, Manoharan writes: “The clinical studies carried out by Pfizer on the vaccine show

that 50 percent of the participants did not experience any significant side effects during the study, but 90 percent of the participants developed immunity to the virus


And the Moderna Vaccine Advisories say that one in ten people can experience side effects, even though the vaccine protects 95 percent of those who are given it ”.

(jg) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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