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The trends you must know: this is how you will design your home in 2022 | Israel today

12/28/2021, 2:33:44 PM

Personalization, nomadism, hospitality and Corona - the effects of the past year are noticeable in the field of home design, and the trends that are expected of us next year are already appearing in the field • And how does Instagram relate to all this? • First article in the series

The world of trends is one of the most fascinating, but before we dive into it it is important to explain the word itself.

The meaning of the German word "trend" has a fashionable connotation, while the Hebrew word "trend" is treated more academically and seriously, even though in practice it is the exact same word.

The perception of a trend as something super-fashionable rests on a very specific type of trend, but the less accurate perception is related to us, as a society - when anyone who wants to promote something crowns it as the "next trend", causing the word to lose ground.

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Get an example: A chair shop owner gets stuck with a stock of blue chairs.

After a marketing meeting and creative thinking, the company comes out with the headline "Blue is the new black", which commands a story that explains how blue has conquered the arena - and here's a trend that does not exist at all.

What does exist is a stock of chairs that you want to get rid of as quickly as possible.

This does not only happen in Israel, but characterizes the market in general, and in this way the value of the word is eroded.

As smart consumers, it is not every time someone announces something as a hot trend that the announcement should be adopted automatically.

Always try to look for the reason and do not let the passwords affect you so easily.

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We have examined what are going to be the leading trends of 2022 in home design and what are their reasons, and here they are in front of you.

Informal and embracing spaces, PRAT LIVING, Photo: PR

The trend of personalization

Personalization is a trend born of our need to differentiate.

In a fast-paced world where everything is produced frequently and in large quantities, we are lost.

One click of the mouse and the luxury product we wanted arrives to us within a few days, and sometimes even that day.

And if we do not feel like parting with thousands of dollars, mass trade sites will know how to produce us an appropriate imitation at an affordable price.

We look the same, are swallowed up in the stream, and we do not like to be swallowed up.

I mean, it's a bit okay - but when the head goes underwater and we disappear completely, something in our instinct pulls us up, to let us see that we exist.

On the basis of this attraction, the trend of personalization developed.

Nike was one of the first to allow everyone to design their sneaker at will.

In the automotive field we have the option to play with colors and decorative elements that differentiate our car from the rest, and even when it comes to home design there are many options: panels of products that allow to switch according to mood or situation, wall cabinets with prints of personal photos sent from your computer to factory, faucets provided For custom design and more.

Custom faucets - black faucet from the TWIST BY HAMAT collection designed by Gal Bar, Photo: Mirage Studio

Custom faucets - a faucet that combines black, white and gilded from TWIST BY HAMAT in a wild wave design, Photo: Studio Mirage

Custom faucets - a faucet that combines black, white and gilded from TWIST BY HAMAT in a wild wave design, Photo: Studio Mirage

Custom faucets - gilded faucet from the TWIST BY HAMAT collection designed by Gal Bar, Photo: Studio Mirage

The comfort trend

The last two years have raised the ON DAMAND threshold.

From those who were afraid to leave credit information on websites, we have become freaks of convenience.

The more we indulge, the more links in the comfort chain that surrounds us in an attempt to keep up with the pace.

True, we have more to aspire to, but because this trend will dictate the demands that are only getting higher, there will be little choice but to align with those who want to remain relevant in the changing market.

Companies like Walt and Get are local examples that have internalized the mindset, and see comfort and availability as key values, and provide a service to a consumer who wants everything according to what suits him at that point in time.

The satellite and cable companies are also adapting themselves, allowing viewing to suit everyone's personal habits, in an attempt to provide an answer to the streaming giant Netflix, which has given us all a lesson in consuming custom viewing.

The private home is also affected by the trend of comfort: we want to live in accessible spaces that are easy to maintain, comfortable to stay in, and ones that will always look neat and ready to fit into the story.

The spacious sofa beds that invite stretching are among the main items that illustrate the development of the trend, such that it is fun to be thrown into the content and feel most at home in the world.

The convenience trend has been one of the leading factors in the development of advanced technologies for the production of materials, such as nano-coating, which leaves the cabinet front free of fingerprints and dirt, and porcelain granite, a very durable and easy-to-maintain material.

This gives the space in the house an exposed concrete, wood, marble or metal look with an authentic look, while the raw material from which they are made does not require any special maintenance.

Living space with porcelain granite flooring with wood parquet look, ceramic tub, photo: PR

Covered and paved bathroom space Porcelain granite tiles with a wooden look and a marble look, ceramic tub, Photo: PR

Concrete-like porcelain granite kitchen countertop, for example Italy, Photo: PR

Kitchen with nano fronts, Regba Kitchens, Design: Einav Rimon, Photography: Shai Epstein

Kitchen with nano fronts in gray, Regba Kitchens, interior design: Rotem Banai Oz, Photography: Nadav Pekt

You will not see fingerprints and scratches - kitchen with nano front, Ziv kitchens, design: Rinat and Natalie, photography: Eran Turgeman

The spacious beds that invite stretching are among the main items that illustrate the development of the trend, PRAT LIVING ,, Photo: PR

The nomadic trend

One of the most prominent trends in the last decade is the nomads. In the physical sense, but more than that - in the deep philosophical aspect. Technological advancement has brought us to a state where we can manage our lives from a smart device that we hold in the palm of our hand. The ease with which we can move from place to place in the world without changing jobs, or our ability to control the bank account even from the Seychelles (when there is no Corona), are just two mini-examples that help illustrate the ease involved in moving from place to place without changing world orders. The nomadic mindset says "if it's good for me I stay, and if it's less good for me I wander somewhere else" - ephemerality is the name of the game. This trend has influenced quite a bit in the field of home design, especially in the sense of conceptual thinking adopted by product designers. She taught us to consume small, efficient and good, and to look for compact and multi-functional solutions, but those that do not come at the expense of convenience, which allow easy transport in space, fast folding and carrying to the next place, and those who also know how to change their use,Like a mattress that swells into a fun armchair and can fold and fit in your backpack, or a small table dresser that turns into a wide dining table with a slight pull. Some have called this trend the "compact trend" or the "multi-functional", and indeed all the answers are correct.

An inflatable armchair and pedestal, Grofon, Photo: Grofon

An entrance dresser becomes a spacious dining area, Zaga ,, Photo: Studio Golan

The dining table folds at the end of the meal and returns to being a dresser, a glass, Photo: Studio Golan

Trends following the corona

An interesting thing happened in Corona - not really new trends were created, but rather accelerated ones that showed first buds that were expected to expand later.

The global trend agencies have been talking for a long time about the hybrid office, the same conduct that makes it possible to work from the physical office and from home on and off.

The Corona forced this conduct and demanded from everyone - both employees and employers for flash assessments, but the idea is not new to trendologists.

Another related trend that the corona has strengthened is the domestic trend, which has also been talked about for quite some time.

As the world outside becomes more difficult and demanding, so does our need for a homely, comforting and embracing corner.

One day the corona brought us all into homes, and really forced us to fall in love with our home, nest and produce from it a warm, clean, protective and cozy place.

The trend of designing homes as guesthouses, which has begun to strengthen in the last five years, has also received another boost of encouragement in Corona, when in fact we went out to spend time in our own home. The roots of the hotel trend lie in globalization. In the past, a trip abroad was a luxury, and a weekend at the hotel took place once a year with the kids, but today the world is open. And there is accessibility for everyone. Once we called customer service, today we turn directly to the owner through the social network. After the holiday is over.If there are such beautiful and well-designed houses for so many people showcasing them in the feed,Why should we not be able to touch this happiness too? The architects who design the private homes are also inspired by the hotels, the result is more and more private homes that are designed as suites in coveted boutique hotels.

Design inspired by a hotel suite, design: Dorit Sela, photography: Oded Smadar

The warm home space provides the necessary hug and support, Design: Sarah and Nirit Frenkel, Photography: Itai Banit

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