The Limited Times

Ayuso, in his annual balance: "Madrid has the best healthcare in Spain"

12/29/2021, 8:27:42 PM

The president criticizes Pedro Sánchez for exclusively benefiting the regions governed by the PSOE and the pro-independence parties and admits that in the face of going back to school, the region is considering the scenario of semi-presence

The balance that the president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has made, goes through criticizing the Government of Sánchez and praising his. There's no more. Ayuso has once again made the president of Spain ugly, who turns the rest of the autonomous communities against Madrid and that benefits above all those that are governed by the PSOE and by the independentistas. However, he said, Madrid has been dedicated to thinking about citizens and "managing public services with total respect for the taxpayer's pocket", that is, lowering taxes ("the biggest drop in history") and emphasizing freedom: "If Madrid is not free, it is not Madrid"

The president of the Community of Madrid and the Minister of Education, Universities, Science and regional spokesperson, Enrique Ossorio, have appeared this Wednesday from the Royal Post Office, after the meeting of the Governing Council, to take stock of the year 2021, of The same way that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the leader of the PP, Pablo Casado, have done. "Madrid has the best healthcare in Spain", insisted the president, who recalled that the Jiménez Díaz Foundation has been the hospital center best valued by Spanish health workers.

He has also advanced that going back to school after Christmas has not yet been decided, "it will depend on the evolution of infections", although he has acknowledged that the regional government is considering two scenarios: total normality and semi-presence for the most older, who can go online. "The Minister of Education will announce next week the measures that he is going to adopt or those that he is going to propose to the Government, depending on how we see the evolution of the pandemic," Ayuso said. "We consider that it is the Ministry of Health who is reporting at all times on the evolution of the pandemic, but according to its behavior, it considers that after Christmas it will be when this plummet occurs. And that is why we are studying all the scenarios so that the return is as normal as possible,but still taking into account this peak of infections, since there is an increasingly vaccinated population and that quarantines have to be different. We will study this so that families have information about it as soon as possible and know how to reconcile and how to organize themselves ”.

If finally the pandemic prevents the return to classrooms normally, Ayuso has stressed that what they are going to try "is the second scenario", which, he insisted, consists of "more distancing, more ventilation, deepening the security measures of always, try to take antigen tests back to families and that the older ones can duplicate the classes because they have more facility to follow them



Regarding macro parties, Ayuso has advanced that none will be held in the Community of Madrid during these dates, “in some cases because their promoters have given up and in others because these parties did not have covid contingency plans, so no will be celebrated ”. Of course, she wanted to remove the celebration of the chimes at Puerta de Sol from that equation, since she said that "they are different spaces" and stressed the importance of being in an open space with masks, despite the fact that she herself was against this measure a week ago at the inter-territorial conference of all the regional presidents: “We are talking about a place in the open air, where its citizens go with their masks and, therefore, we should not equate a macro-party in a disco, for example,with a Three Kings parade or with an open-air celebration such as the New Year's Eve chimes ”.

Looking ahead to next year, the president has announced that they will continue with their birth plan “to help families in Madrid to move forward with their vital projects and to be able to reconcile better in a community with obstacles and with an evident demographic winter, which it affects all of Spain but also our region ”. But above all, he has emphasized the "all-out" war that he will continue to wage with Sánchez. "We are going to continue deepening the reduction of bureaucratic obstacles and taxes that we are going to defend", he wielded as a pillar of his fiscal policy, "so that the Government does not lead us to a supposed harmonization". “And of course there the Community of Madrid is going to be with the middle classes, with all the citizens,with the taxpayers to prevent some Nobel Prize in Economics in the Government of Spain from trying to raise taxes on all Madrilenians on the basis of satisfying separatism and the nationalists who are in some communities, especially governed by the PSOE ”.

The warning to Sánchez has continued throughout his speech: “Those who intend to raise taxes on Madrilenians and all those reforms that go in the opposite direction to job creation are going to have in front of us, which is what the companies need right now. families And that someone explain to us how this



is going to be avoided

, because if taxes are raised in Madrid, investment and companies will leave Spain ”. And he has insisted on the grievances towards his region, which he considers to be "the most supportive, the one that contributes the most and the one that is always at the service of Spain."

In the part dedicated to the promises for next year, Ayuso has assured that he will continue "building new health centers, new schools, expanding the Metro, interchanges, we will continue with the same fiscal policy and putting on the table the development of other projects that are of great pride for this Government such as the Green Arch, which I believe that no capital in the world is going to have something similar: 200 kilometers of biodiversity around Madrid ”.

As for the star promise of this Christmas, that of distributing 12 million antigen tests to all Madrilenians before Christmas Eve, the president has made little self-criticism, despite acknowledging that only a million and a half have been delivered. "We have had supply problems, but we have been the only autonomous community that has opted to bring the policy of self-care to all citizens as we did at the time with masks," he recalled. “Thanks to this policy, the citizens of the Community of Madrid use them many times even without being mandatory. This policy of self-care is the one that we transfer to citizens with these antigen tests and that are already assuming for a million and a half families to have been reunited in conditions of greater security. I hope they arrive as soon as possible,that is our purpose ”.

CC OO on going back to school: "They say they will wait until the end to decide when they know exactly what works"

Going back to school has been giving weeks a lot to talk about, and that the Community of Madrid does not step forward to announce how it is going to face it, more. Ayuso has passed the ball to the Minister of Education, Enrique Ossorio, who next week will announce how minors will start the academic year and has let the older ones do it like last year, in a blended way. The first criticisms have starred her from CC OO. "Macro parties, nightlife, bells ... the only city in Europe that will celebrate the end of the year on the street ... All open without restrictions. And at the end of the party, schools are closed and the right to education restricted. That seems to be what awaits us, "lamented Isabel Galvín, Education representative in the union. "It's crazy, it's outrageous.They say that they will wait until the end to decide when they know exactly what works: lowering ratios, unfolding, hiring teachers and educational personnel. This is what is needed to guarantee the right to education for children and young people. Madrid does not deserve this, "he insisted. 

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