The Limited Times

Covid: Fratoianni, mandatory Ffp2 but the price will not calm

12/29/2021, 4:57:50 PM

"I don't understand: the government makes Ffp2 mandatory for many activities, but does nothing to calm the price, such as for surgical masks or tampons. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 29 - "I don't understand: the government makes Ffp2 compulsory for many activities, but does nothing to calm the price, such as for surgical masks or tampons. It also does not seem to guarantee free access for all school staff or even new stocks to prevent them from running out. " The national secretary of the Italian Left, Nicola Fratoianni, writes on Facebook. "And the accounts are soon made - continues the exponent of the left opposition - one Ffp2 per day (or rather, every 8 hours) per person, means yet another blow to the families most in difficulty, totally at the mercy of the market expeculations. a serious mistake, which sends a wrong message and unloads the cost of protecting public health on individuals - the symptom of a profound distance from the real country.The government, evidently not exactly the best, will wake up - concludes Fratoianni - and remedy this umpteenth demonstration of arrogance and superficiality. "(ANSA).