The Limited Times

Covid-19: nearly 400 contaminations in French prisons, the situation deemed "worrying"

12/29/2021, 4:46:05 PM

"If we do not act very quickly, the risk of dysfunction is significant," warns a trade unionist. Locally, health measures have

The virus managed to get into prison.

The new outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic has caused several outbreaks of contamination in French prisons, especially in Perpignan, according to statistics communicated on Wednesday by the Ministry of Justice qualified as "worrying" by unions.

At the national level, 370 contaminations were detected among some 70,000 detainees, 448 among the staff (out of approximately 40,000), indicates this report of the ministry established on December 27.

A major outbreak was identified in the prison of Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), where 84 inmates and 15 staff members were diagnosed positive for Covid-19. "The population is quite young and there is no serious form" of the disease, specifies the ministry adding that there is "enough staff to allow a rotation" and "to evolve quickly".

The General Controller of Places of Deprivation of Liberty (CGLPL) Dominique Simonnot for her part reported on Wednesday on Franceinfo other sources of contamination in "Rennes, Béziers, Argentan (and) another in the Lot ...".

"And that's normal: have you heard a word from prisons in the speeches of the Prime Minister or the Minister of Health (

Editor's note: December 27


Me no, ”commented Dominique Simonnot.

“A special measure would be beneficial.

We condemn someone to prison, not to catch the Covid, ”she added.

"The risk of malfunction is significant"

Wings of buildings with individual cells are already dedicated to contaminated prisoners, recalled the ministry. But several prison staff unions are waiting for reinforced measures, in particular the distribution of FFP2 masks. “If we do not act very quickly, the risk of malfunction is significant. With the increase in the prison population, the potential for contamination is much greater than in 2020, ”said Wilfried Fonck, Ufap-Unsa Justice national secretary.

The number of people incarcerated in French prisons stood at 69,992 people for 60,775 operational places, up for the 4th consecutive month, according to statistical data from the ministry consulted on December 21 by AFP.

Since September, 1,520 additional detainees have been registered.

"Social distancing is almost impossible for certain missions such as body searches or physical interventions in the event of incidents", emphasizes Wilfried Fonck.

Locally, additional measures have already been taken.

Plexiglas have thus been reinstalled in the visiting rooms of Fleury prison (more than 3,000 inmates), where the number of cases has risen sharply, according to Didier Kandassamy, of FO Pénitentiaire.

Salah Abdeslam, the main accused at the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015, is one of the contaminated detainees.

A screening of detainees housed on the same floor as he was scheduled for this Wednesday, before an operation with all prisoners and staff next Monday, according to Didier Kandassamy, who considers the situation "worrying".