The Limited Times

Memoranda of Understanding between Education and a number of organizations to support educational work

12/29/2021, 3:16:01 PM

Damascus, SANA- A set of points that were achieved in support of educational work were agreed upon during the signing of a memorandum of understanding between


A set of points that were achieved in support of educational work were agreed upon during the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Education and the Italian International Cooperation Organization today, signed by the Director of Planning and International Cooperation at the Ministry Ghassan Shghari, and for the organization, head of mission Cordana Vucinichi.

After the signing, Minister of Education Dr. Darem Tabbaa expressed his hope that the memorandum would enter into force directly, stressing the necessity of cooperation and coordination between the two sides in facilitating the return of dropout children to their schools, focusing on the curricula of category B and activating joint activities.

In turn, Vucinichi spoke about the beginnings of the organization's work in Syria in 2017, especially in the governorates of Damascus countryside, Daraa, Aleppo and Deir ez-Zor, pointing out that the memorandum includes joint activities and a mechanism to protect children and secure food and work to expand activities to facilitate the return of children to school.

The ministry also renewed a memorandum of understanding with the Spanish organization Action Against Hunger with the aim of coordinating and renewing cooperation between the two sides in the field of school restoration and rehabilitation, developing the capabilities of teaching staff, and holding training courses for students.

The agreement was signed on behalf of the ministry by the director of planning and international cooperation in the ministry, Ghassan Shoghari, and on behalf of the organization by its director, Darius Zetek, in the presence of the Minister of Education.

After the signing, Tabbaa explained the importance of cooperation with humanitarian organizations and the necessity of putting the agreement into practice, following up on work and coordination between the two sides in the field of returning dropout students to their schools and promoting vocational and rural education.

For his part, Zeitek stressed that the aim of renewing the signing of the memorandum of understanding is to strengthen cooperation between the two sides, especially in the field of rehabilitating schools and advancing the health situation, indicating that the organization began its work in Hasaka and then Damascus, and work is underway in all governorates, while work is underway to secure the needs of the ministry and work together to support generations The future This is the goal of the memorandum as well as achieving safe access for children to schools.

The Ministry also renewed the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Adventist Agency for Development and Relief for cooperation between the two sides in the field of school renovation and rehabilitation and work on the quality of education by upgrading the capabilities of teachers, holding training courses for students, supporting the educational process and securing its requirements such as bags and seats, in addition to cooperation in the field of vocational training.

The memorandum was signed on behalf of the ministry by the director of planning and international cooperation in the ministry, Ghassan Shoghari, and on behalf of the agency, its director, Naji Khalil.

After the signing, Tabbaa noted the work of international organizations with the Ministry of Education, especially the Adventist Agency, indicating the ministry's keenness to follow an integrated plan in the field of cooperation with international organizations and according to capabilities, in order to achieve complementarity in work, follow up the restoration of educational loss and secure job opportunities.

For his part, Khalil talked about signing the memorandum with the ministry in 2017 and renewing the partnership annually with the aim of serving the educational sector, and that the ambitions are great in serving students, pointing to the follow-up of restoration work for some schools and the necessity of making use of industrial secondary schools in the restoration of seats.

Rehab Ali and Bushra Barhoum

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