The Limited Times

Mainz: mask refusers rioted - train travel center temporarily closed

12/30/2021, 5:34:03 PM

He was not wearing a mask and was not served, then he freaked out: A 56-year-old caused damage at Mainz main station. The police finally stepped in.

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Police officers on duty (symbolic image)

Photo: Silas Stein / dpa

A corona mask refuser caused the Deutsche Bahn travel center to be temporarily closed by destroying Mainz main station.

The employees asked him several times in vain to put on his mouth and nose protection, as the federal police announced.

The 56-year-old had initially entered the service point against the direction of traffic indicated and was ultimately not served because of his refusal.

Then he began, according to the information, "to destroy all tangible inventory."

"Metal stands, partitions, Plexiglas panes and information boards were all affected," it said.

There were no injuries.

The called federal police checked the man, finally calmed him down and expelled him from the train station.

The amount of damage has yet to be determined.

The man expected criminal proceedings for damage to property and an administrative offense procedure for violating the mask, the police said.

fek / dpa